Ramuh Summon Guide in Final Fantasy 16 (FF16)

Tanim Hasan
By Tanim Hasan
3 Min Read
Credit: Square Enix

Final Fantasy 16 changes how the summons works in the game. Here is how to summon Ramuh in the game.

The original Final Fantasy games were turn-based JRPGs. But recent entries have been exploring a combination of turn-based and character-action combat. Finally, the new entry Final Fantasy 16, takes a different approach by completely discarding the hybrid system and instead introducing a streamlined character action combat system.

Even though in this new combat, your character cannot summon any Eikon as he wishes, he can use almost every Eikon’s power by the end of the game. Here we will go through how you can unlock Odin, what abilities you get from him, and how to use them in combat efficiently.

Read More: Odin Summon Guide

How to Unlock Ramuh in Final Fantasy 16

Ramuh is the Eikon of Lightning, and Cidolfus Telamon is its Dominant. Ramuh can be acquired by completing the quest named The Crystal’s Curse. Even though in this quest you will gain the ability to use Ramuh in the battle, the actual skill tree will not unlock until the next quest named Cid the Outlaw.

All Ramuh Abilities in FF16

These are all the Ramuh abilities you can unlock after getting his essence in Final Fantasy 16:

  • Pile Drive – Drive Ramuh’s staff into the ground, electrifying all enemies within a radius
  • Lightning Rod – Create a ball of lightning. Upon striking the enemy, it unleashes chains of lightning to other nearby enemies.
  • Blind Justice – Locks on a target and unleashes a barrage of lightning balls.
  • Judgment Bolt – Summon a mighty bolt that deals massive damage to a single target.
  • Thunderstorm – Call forth a powerful thunderstorm that rains multiple bolts of lightning down a target.
Credit: Square Enix

How to Use Ramuh Abilities

Ramuh has some great single-target and even AoE abilities. His single-target abilities are powerful for taking down larger enemies. And you can deal AoE lightning damage when you are fighting a horde of enemies. Because of the flexibility of his ability, he can also do a combo with other fast-paced Eikon abilities in the game.

If you like this article, why not check out our other guides on Crisis Core: How To Earn GilFinal Fantasy 16: How Long to Beat, Final Fantasy 16: Best Ways To Level Up Fast and many more!

By Tanim Hasan Guide Writer
Tanim Hasan is a Guide Writer at GameRiv working on various games which consists of mostly new releases. His favourite genre is Hack and Slash, and Souls Like. But he is open to play any game regardless of the genre. So he has experience with most genres of games.