Rainbow Six Siege’s Newest Operator ‘Fenrir’ Officially Revealed

Sadnan Nafis
By Sadnan Nafis
2 Min Read
Image: Ubisoft

Rainbow Six Siege’s Y8S2 Operation Dread Factor has been fully revealed, and we finally received an in-depth look at the newest operator ‘Fenrir.’

Fenrir is the new Swedish defender to join Rainbow Six Siege’s long list of operators. He is a 2-speed 2-armor operator with a new fear-inducing gadget, but how does it work?

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Fenrir’s primary gadget is called the F-NATT Dread Mine. This new throwable gadget sticks to any surface, like an Ela mine. But unlike Ela’s trap device, the F-NATT mine does not activate automatically. In its deactivated state, the mine is bulletproof but can be destroyed with explosives.

Fenrir has to manually activate his device to affect the Attackers in its range. Once an Attacker is within its effective radius and the gadget is activated, their vision will be blocked by a stream of eerie purple gas released from the mine. Not only the Attackers but any operator (except Fenrir) will also be affected by the gadget if it is in its triggered state. But in its activated state, the gadget is not bulletproof, so Attackers can take the risk of vision getting blocked to destroy the F-NATT mine. Fenrir has 5 of these mines in his arsenal but can activate a maximum of 3 of them.

For more information on how to effectively play Fenrir and counter him, read our full operator guide.

Fenrir Loadout

Fenrir’s primary weapon of choice is the MP7 SMG or the SASG-12 shotgun. As his secondary weapon, he can bring the Bailiff 410 revolver and either a bulletproof camera or barbed wire as a secondary gadget.

By Sadnan Nafis Senior FPS Writer
Sadnan Nafis is a Senior Esports Writer at GameRiv. Sadnan has a love-hate relationship with Rainbow Six Siege. He loves to keep himself updated with new tech videos and is always ready to help others.