Rainbow Six Siege, a tactical first-person shooter developed by Ubisoft, has experienced tremendous growth throughout the years that it has existed. The game is still receiving constant updates to improve the experience and change the meta to keep things fresh.
Bandit: the 3-Speed, 1-health defender is one of the few non-DLC operators in the game. This GSG-9 defender is one of the most crucial defenders in the game because of his useful utility. So, when picking this operator, here are some of the things you should know.
Bandit Operator Guide
“Survival is all about timing. Nature doesn’t give second chances.”
Brunsmeier and his twin brother were raised in a working class district near the Berlin Wa l. Their father worked in the police force and strongly encouraged them to join. While working with Bundespolizei (BPOL) Brunsmeier excelled in crisis situations. He transferred to the Aviation Group long enough to obtain his helicopter license, but his adaptability and experience with border surveillance flagged him for undercover operations. He was embedded as an undercover agent in the terrorist organization Red Army Faction (RAF), where his contribution was critical in seeing key members arrested and providing valuable information. While undercover, Brunsmeier honed skills in guerrilla tactics and improvised explosive devices. He developed prototypes of his electrified barricade and deployable shied. He is fluent in German, English, Polish and Turkish.
I didn’t want to ask about the undercover work directly. It wasn’t until our most recent meeting when he volunteered some information. Brunsmeier described the challenge of remembering the real “you” when immersed in another person a. The question: “Who are you?” would creep into his sle p. If he dared to form an answer, he knew he was as good as de d. Even considering the question was dangerous s. So he would push it away. We discussed details of what he had to do to ensure his cover wasn’t blown, the source of some fantastic rumours circulating about him. Smiling, he assured me they’re only half tr e. I don’t want to break his confidence he e. I merely need to assess if it has any lasting impact on him and the Rainbow team. […] The most I can offer at this time is that the team works well together. […]
“It’s critical that Brunsmeier doesn’t close himself off. Training scenarios alongside operators such as Specialists Miles “Castle” Campbell, Emmanuelle “Twitch” Pichon, or Elias “Blitz” Kötz could he p. These operators have calming attributes that may temper Brunsmeier’s inner demons.” — Dr. Harishva “Harry” Pandey, Director of Rainbow
Best Weapon Loadout

- Primary Weapon: MP7 (SMG), M870 (Shotgun)
- Secondary Weapon: P12 (Handgun)
- Secondary Gadgets: Barbed Wire / Nitro Cell
- Unique ability: SHOCK WIRE
Bandit has the option between the MP5 SMG and the M590A1 Shotgun to pick as his primary weapon. The MP5 SMG has a high fire rate and damage but easy-to-control recoil. So shooting Attackers with this gun, even at longer-range fights, should be very manageable even for beginners. The high fire rate and the low recoil can help you land some crucial headshots. However, the gun has no magnifying scope, so you must choose a 1x of your preference. For attachments, the flash hider and vertical grip is our recommended choice.
On the other hand, the M870 shotgun can pack a serious punch. This shotgun will only be viable for close-range gunfights, so if you can anchor in-site and hold tight corners. Additionally, the shotgun will allow Bandit to remodel the bombsites by creating the necessary rotates and angles. However, the role of remodelling bombsites doesn’t usually fall on Bandit, so bringing the MP5 SMG will be our recommended choice. This weapon will also allow you to be more flexible in picking gunfights, whether it be long or short-range.
Bandit’s only option for the secondary weapon is the P12 pistol. This secondary pistol can act as a good backup if you are out of ammo on your primary, as it has quite a respectable rate of fire for a pistol.
Secondary Gadget
Bandit can pick either barbed wires or a nitro cell as his secondary gadget. The barbed wires can slow down an Attacker’s push and provide intel, while the nitro cell can be used to get some crucial kills. So here, the choice is up to you and your team composition.
Unique Ability

Bandit’s primary gadget is called “Shock Wire,” commonly known as ‘Bandit Batteries.’ This modified car battery, a.k.a Shock Wire, is used to electrify metallic gadgets and surfaces so that Attacker devices will get destroyed in contact. Bandit Batteries are mostly used in Rainbow Six Siege to electrify reinforced walls and prevent them from being breached by the Attackers. Hard-breaching gadgets such as Thermite’s Exothermic Charge, Ace’s SELMA, or Hibana’s X-KAIROS will all get disintegrated when placed on reinforced walls that have been electrified by Bandit.
Bandit has 4 batteries in his arsenal that he can place on metallic surfaces. While the most common and useful way to use this gadget is to place it on reinforced walls, you can even put the batteries on barbed wires, shields, or even on top of hatches (if you are trolling).
How to Bandit Trick
“Bandit Tricking” has become one of the most popular tricks and dates back to the very early days of Siege. It has become a staple way of playing Bandit and denying walls from getting breached. Bandit Tricking involves the action of strategically deploying a Bandit Battery just as the opposing team’s hard breacher is in the process of placing their gadget on a reinforced wall. So as the Attackers are in the process of initiating the breaching process, their gadgets will get destroyed by the electrified wall.
As a Bandit Tricker, you must carefully listen to audio cues of where the hard-breach charge is being placed and electrify that wall accordingly. Ubisoft has also made it slightly easier to trick by allowing Bandit to place multiple batteries on a single wall. So, even if a battery gets disabled by EMP, you can still trick it with your reserved battery in hand.
Tips and Tricks
(i) If your team composition already includes a wall-denier like Kaid, then bandit-tricking might not be very necessary, and you can play more freely around the map.
(ii) Create holes in soft walls before reinforcing them. This will allow you to hear better the audio of placing Hard-Breach charges.
(iii) Attackers will often try to nade the Bandit player from windows and below through the soft floor. So bring a Jager or Wamai to increase your chances of survival.
(iv) Electrifying barbed wires can come in handy to destroy drones and deny intel.
How to counter Bandit?
Bandit’s battery can be countered by firing a single bullet or any explosive near it. Thatcher’s EMP and Kali’s LV Lances can disable the gadget, and IQ can spot the device with her scanner. On the other hand, Twitch’s Shock Drone and Zero’s Argus cams can destroy it with a single zap.
Maverick is also a strong counter, as you won’t be able to trick or even deny the breach with the pre-placed batteries.
Should you pick Bandit?
Bandit is an essential operator with a good loadout and a crucial gadget. The Shock Wire is a powerful device that is required in almost all bomb sites. Coordinate with your teammates properly so every important reinforcement is being denied with either Bandit, Kaid, or Mute.