Ubisoft’s tactical shooter Rainbow Six Siege has grown massively over the years. The game recently stepped onto its Year 7 with the Operation Demon Veil update, which brought a new operator named ‘Azami’.
Azami: the 2-speed, the 2-health operator is the 32nd defender to join Team Rainbow. As Azami was introduced, the Siege community dubbed her as one of the most ‘meta-changing’ operators. This is because of Azami’s creative Kiba Barriers that can be deployed on any surface, creating a bulletproof barrier.
Azami was released with Y7S1 Demon Veil on March 15th; however, only players with the seasonal battle pass had early access to use this new operator. But the two-week exclusive access period is now over, so you can now buy Azami with 25,000 renown or 600 R6 credits. Here’s everything you need to know to get started with this exciting new operator.
Azami Operator Guide
Kana “Azami” Fujiwara is the new Japanese operator from Kyoto City. Azami worked as a motorcycle officer and earned herself a spot in the Security Police division of the TMPD. She fell out with her sensei after failing to achieve the serenity necessary to progress. After facing suspension due to multiple violent outbursts in the line of duty, she subsequently chose to join the private sector as a bodyguard. Azami worked exclusively for Masayuki Yahata in Fukuoka before his death led her to re-establish contact with Yumiko “Hibana” Imagawa.
Best Weapon Loadout
- Primary Weapon: 9X19VSN (SMG), ACS12 (Slug Shotgun)
- Secondary Weapon: D-50 (Pistol)
- Secondary Gadgets: Impact Grenade / Barbed Wire
- Unique ability: Kiba Barrier
As her primary weapon, Azami has the option of picking either Kapkan’s 9X19VSN SMG or the loud ACS12 Shotgun. While these guns might not be the most popular in the game right now, they can still deal some good damage to the Attackers.
If your gameplay roams around holding long angles, then the ACS12 Slug Shotgun with the extended 1.5x scope will be the recommended choice. However, for most players, the 9X19VSN should be the better option, as it has an easy-to-control recoil and higher fire rate, which is key in a one-shot headshot game like Siege.
As her secondary weapon, Azami’s only option is the D-50 pistol, which can pack a serious punch when you are out of ammo on your primary. The Deagle can also be used to make openings on soft walls; however, you won’t be able to make rotates with it.
Secondary Gadget
As her secondary gadget, Azami can pick barbed wires or impact grenades. There’s no definitive choice in this category, so you can pick either one of them on most sites. However, we’ll suggest you pick the impact grenades more often, as they add another map-reshaping tool to your kit.
Unique Ability
Azami brings the unique Kiba Barrier expanding walls into the battlefield. This large disc of foam offers defenders bulletproof cover in otherwise exposed positions. Unlike the Defenders’ deployable shields, the Azami’s kunai knives can be thrown on almost every surface that instantly expands from the center to form a solid wall. However, the knives cannot be deployed on other defender gadgets, and if they are thrown in tight spaces, sometimes a partial barrier is created. Azami can use this partial barrier to create small lines of sight through which she can deal deadly damage to Attackers while staying relatively safe.
However, there are some certain counters to this new gadget. Firstly, the Kiba Barrier is bulletproof, but not explosive-proof. So you can destroy the walls using Ash’s/Zofia’s launcher, Frag Grenades, Gonne-6, and much more. But another easy counter will be to just melee the barrier if it is within your range. By hitting Azami’s wall three times, Attackers can easily break the barrier like a Castle Barricade. However, this characteristic can also be used by defenders to prep a Kiba Barrier by punching it two times, and then quickly pushing the Attackers with a single melee.
Azami has a total of 5 kunai knives in her arsenal, which refills over time like Wamai’s discs. So in order to get full use of her gadget, you need to stay alive during the round. So spawn-peeking with her might not be the best idea.
Should you pick Azami?
Azami is currently one of the best flex/anchor operators you can pick. When playing this operator, you need to be creative as her gadget has great potential. So anticipate your enemies’ move, and make them feel uncomfortable when they try to push the site.
(i) You can deploy one Kiba Barrier on another to create a larger bullet-proof wall.
(ii) Drop one of your two Barriers early to reshape the bomb site, as even if you die early in the round, your teammates can make use of them later in the round.
(iii) The Kiba Barrier can also be used to block drone holes, which can be really effective on certain bomb sites, such as Chalet or Consulate Garage.
(iv) You can block Maverick’s holes with Azami’s gadget, and prevent Attackers from chucking in a grenade to destroy wall denial gadgets.