Here is all you need to know about the best build for Sylveon for Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Join the new Tera Raids with your Terastal Pokemon. All you have to do is, Terastallized your ferocious but cute pocket monsters to be in this raid.
Sylveon is a Fairy-type Pokemon; technically, the first Fairy-type Pokemon, if I have to be more specific. It evolves from Eevee. However, it has multiple ultimate forms, however, we will still be sticking with Sylveon.
The builds that we will see down there are primarily for facing Cinderace in the Tera Raids. There are a couple of strategic builds along with a supportive build if you, by chance, want to use her as a supporting character.
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Best Sylveon Build for Tera Raids
Most of the Sylveon builds we will discuss are based on Fairy-build. Quite obvious as the Pokemon itself is a Fairy. Moreover, Sylveon is specialized in Special Defense, so it is better to use her as a supporting role rather than pushing her to the front line. Well, if that time comes one day, you have that option. However, you might have to spend some time preparing her for that.
Now, let’s get into these builds.
Attacking Build
We will be utilizing the full potential of Sylveon in this build. The Fairy Sylveon will have an extra immunity against Dragon while maxing out HP, and Special Attack will take down any other foes in a matter of time.
- Tera Type: Fairy
- Nature: Modest (More Special Attack, Less Attack)
- EV Spread:
HP = 252
Special Attack = 252
Special Defense = 4 - Ability
Pixilate = Increases the damage of Normal-type moves by 20% and turns them into Fairy-type instead. - Held Item
Metronome = Increases the damage of moves used consecutively by 20%. It stops increasing at 100% and resets if Sylveon uses different moves. - Moveset
Hyper Voice = A move based on sound.
Misty Terrain = This protects Sylveon on the ground from status conditions and halves damage from Dragon-type moves for five turns.
Shadow Ball = Has a 20% chance to lower the foe’s Special Defense by one stage.
Fake Tears = Lowers the foe’s Special Defense by two stages.
One Punch Sylveon Build
As the name goes, you can knock out your foes with just one hit, especially the Unrivaled Charizard. We will be maxing out HP and Special Attack to make the bulkiest Sylveon Paldea has ever seen. If any extra EV is left out, use it on the Special Defense.
- Tera Type: Fairy
- Nature: Impish (More Defense, Less Special Attack)
- EV Spread:
HP = 252
Special Attack = 252
Special Defense = 4 - Ability
Pixilate = Increases the damage of Normal-type moves by 20% and turns them into Fairy-type instead. - Held Item
Covert Cloak = Grimmsnarl can prolong the effects of moves like Light Screen, Reflect, and Aurora Veil to make them last eight turns instead of five. - Moveset
Hyper Voice = A move based on sound.
Hyper Beam = Sylveon will be unable to attack the next turn.
Calm Mind = Increases both the Special Attack and Special Defense stat of Sylveon by one stage.
Fake Tears = Lowers the foe’s Special Defense by two stages.
Strategical Build
The build focuses on Modest nature. This nature will give an extra buff in the Special Attack stat. We will start the game by Yawning, and it will finish with Moonblast when the foe is at its lowest point.
- Tera Type: Fairy
- Nature: Impish (More Special Attack, Less Attack)
- EV Spread:
HP = 252
Special Attack = 252
Special Defense = 4 - Ability
Cute Charm = Has a 30% chance to cause the foe to be infatuated with Sylveon if the foe makes physical contact with Sylveon. - Held Item
Metronome = Increases the damage of moves used consecutively by 20%. It stops increasing at 100% and resets if Sylveon uses different moves. - Moveset
Helping Hand = Increases the damage of the ally Pokemon’s Attack by 50%.
Moonblast = Has a 30% chance to lower the foe’s Special Attack by one stage.
Yawn = The foe falls asleep at the end of the next turn.
Draining Kiss = Sylveon recovers 75% of the damage inflicted.
Support Build
This support build of Sylveon can be used for Cinderace Tera Raids. As this is a support build, we would want to last Sylveon as long as possible. With that in mind, we will be investing most of the EV into HP and defense as Cinderace is quite a heavy attacker.
- Tera Type: Fairy
- Nature: Impish (More Special Attack, Less Attack)
- EV Spread:
HP = 252
Defense = 252
Special Attack= 4 - Ability
Cute Charm = Has a 30% chance to cause the foe to be infatuated with Sylveon if the foe makes physical contact with Sylveon. - Held Item
Metronome = Increases the damage of moves used consecutively by 20%. It stops increasing at 100% and resets if Sylveon uses different moves. - Moveset
Helping Hand = Increases the damage of the ally Pokemon’s Attack by 50%.
Charm = Lowers the foe’s Attack by two stages.
Calm Mind = Increases both the Special Attack and Special Defense stat of Sylveon by one stage.
Draining Kiss = Sylveon recovers 75% of the damage inflicted.
And this is all I had for the best Tera build for Sylveon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Until next time!
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