Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: Best Grimmsnarl Build for Tera Raids

Abu Bakar Karim
By Abu Bakar Karim
7 Min Read
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: Best Grimmsnarl Build for Tera Raids

Here is all you need to know about the best build for Grimmsnarl for Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Join the new Tera Raids with your Terastal Pokemon. All you have to do is, Terastallized your ferocious but cute, pocket monsters to be in this raid.

We will focus on Grimmsnarl here. This Dark/ Fairy Pokemon evolves from Morgrem. However, the base form is Impidimp. Moreover, this Pokemon also has an ultimate form, which is Gigantamax Grimmsnarl.

This bulky Pokemon is quite infamous for its pranks; say it on the way or on the battlefield. It has almost the same ratio in Attack and Special Attack. Needless to say, you can put away the special attack stats and focus on defense instead. Even though it is pretty slow on the field, it can make up for that with its brute strength.

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Best Grimmsnarl Build for Tera Raids

We will be discussing the builds that are focused on countering physical attacks. The last build is focused on full offense mode, which means you do not have to hold back anything.

Point to be noted, all these builds for Grimmsnarl are as support build. I would not suggest putting them on the front row. Instead, put them on the side to get along.

Now, let’s get into these builds.

General Build

This build can be used on any occasion. With this, you can face any kind of opponent with ease.

  • Tera Type: Fairy
  • Nature: Impish (More Defense, Less Special Attack)
  • EV Spread:
    HP = 252
    Defense = 252
    Special Attack = 4
  • Ability
    Prankster = Increases the Speed of Grimmsnarl priority of status moves by 1. However, moves affected by this ability are ineffective against Dark-type opponents.
  • Held Item
    Light Clay = Grimmsnarl can prolong the effects of moves like Light Screen, Reflect, and Aurora Veil to make them last eight turns instead of five.
  • Moveset
    Light Screen = Reduces damage received on the Grimmsnarl’s side of the field from Special Attacks by 50% in Single Battles and 33% in Double Battles for 5 turns.
    Reflect = Reduces damage received on the Grimmsnarl’s side of the field from Physical Attacks by 50% in Single Battles and 33% in Double Battles for 5 turns.
    Taunt = The foe can only use moves that do damage for three turns.
    Foul Play = Uses the foe’s Attack stat in damage calculation. Moreover, it takes status conditions and stat boosts or drops into consideration. However, it doesn’t boost the foe’s ability.

Physical Attack Build

Physical attack build focuses mostly on speed. On the other hand, the bulky defense will give out the most on the field, as we will be using this guy as a supporting one. We are focusing the build on the Fairy type. As a result, it will have this extra immunity against the Dragons.

  • Tera Type: Fairy
  • Nature: Impish (More Defense, Less Special Attack)
  • EV Spread:
    HP = 252
    Defense = 252
    Special Defense = 6
  • Ability
    Prankster = Increases the Speed of Grimmsnarl priority of status moves by 1. However, moves affected by this ability are ineffective against Dark-type opponents.
  • Held Item
    Light Clay
    = Grimmsnarl can prolong the effects of moves like Light Screen, Reflect, and Aurora Veil to make them last eight turns instead of five.
  • Moveset
    Light Screen = Reduces damage received on the Grimmsnarl’s side of the field from Special Attacks by 50% in Single Battles and 33% in Double Battles for 5 turns.
    Reflect = Reduces damage received on the Grimmsnarl’s side of the field from Physical Attacks by 50% in Single Battles and 33% in Double Battles for 5 turns.
    Taunt = The foe can only use moves that do damage for three turns.
    Play Rough = Has a 10% chance to lower the foe’s Attack by one stage.

Tank Build

The Tank build focuses on Careful nature. This nature will give an extra buff in the Special Defense stat. We will start the game with Taunting, and it will finish with Spirit Break when the foe is at its lowest point. Checkmate.

  • Tera Type: Fairy
  • Nature: Careful (More Defense, Less Special Attack)
  • EV Spread:
    HP = 252
    Speical Defense = 252
    Defense = 6
  • Ability
    Prankster = Increases the Speed of Grimmsnarl priority of status moves by 1. However, moves affected by this ability are ineffective against Dark-type opponents.
  • Held Item
    Light Clay
    = Grimmsnarl can prolong the effects of moves like Light Screen, Reflect, and Aurora Veil to make them last eight turns instead of five.
  • Moveset
    Reflect = Reduces damage received on the Grimmsnarl’s side of the field from Physical Attacks by 50% in Single Battles and 33% in Double Battles for 5 turns.
    Light Screen = Reduces damage received on the Grimmsnarl’s side of the field from Special Attacks by 50% in Single Battles and 33% in Double Battles for 5 turns.
    Taunt = The foe can only use moves that do damage for three turns.
    Spirit Break = Lowers the foe’s Special Attack by one stage.

And this is all I had for the best Tera build for Grimmsnarl in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Until next time!

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By Abu Bakar Karim Deputy Guide Editor
AB Karim is the Deputy Editor of the Guide section at GameRiv. With an insatiable love for RPGs and a knack for puns, AB combines his passion for gaming with a professional touch. He has to polish every word with precision; otherwise, he will keep losing health bar. Keep that aside for now, and let's embark on epic quests and unravel mysteries with AB as your trusted guide. Prosst!