One of the most anticipated events of the year, the PROJECT 2021 event, is finally here with a new pass, missions, skins, Nexus Blitz game mode, and much more.
After the successful Lunar Beast and Space Groove event, Riot has officially revealed the third event of the year, the PROJECT 2021 Event. The new event is going to feature two Legendary skins: PROJECT: Mordekaiser and PROJECT: Renekton while Sylas is getting the PROJECT Prestige skin. Moreover, Sejuani, Senna, Sylas, and Varus are also getting futuristic cyberpunk-themed skins as well.
Here’s everything you need to know about League of Legends new PROJECT 2021 Event.
Table of contents
PROJECT 2021 Event Start and End Date
The PROJECT 2021 Event has started on May 27th, 2021 at 1:00 PM (PT) and the event is going to end on June 28th, 2021 at 11:59 PM (PT).
Although the Event is going to end on June 28th, players will be able to use their Tokens until July 14th, 2021 at 1:00 PM (PT).
PROJECT 2021 Event Pass and Pass Bundle
Just like the previous events, League of Legends players will be able to buy the PROJECT pass with 1650 RP. After purchasing the event pass, players will get 200 PROJECT 2021 Tokens and 4 PROJECT 2021 Orbs.
The PROJECT 2021 Event is also going to have a Pass Bundle as well, which will cost 2650 RP. With the Pass Bundle, players will get 200 PROJECT 2021 Tokens and 4 PROJECT 2021 Orbs, and the new PROJECT: Sylas skin.
There is also a special one-time purchase only PROJECT 2021 Starter Token Bundle for 1000 RP. This bundle includes an icon and 200 Tokens.
You can purchase both the Event Pass, the Bundle, and the Starter Token Bundle until the event ends on June 28th, 2021 at 11:59 PM (PT).
Missions and Rewards
PROJECT 2021 event has separate missions for players with the pass and players who don’t have the pass.
Milestone Missions (Pass Required)
These missions can only be accessed with the PROJECT Pass. And remember—you’ll need to complete each Milestone before moving onto the next!
Milestone 1 | 2021 PROJECT: Event Pass Icon |
Milestone 2 | 5 Prestige Points |
Milestone 3 | 10 Win XP Boost |
Milestone 4 | 5 Prestige Points |
Milestone 5 | Emote: Bwa ha ha!! |
Milestone 6 | 5 Prestige Points |
Milestone 7 | 1500 Blue Essence |
Milestone 8 | 5 Prestige Points |
Milestone 9 | Emote: Go On, Impress Me! |
Milestone 10 | 5 Prestige Points |
Milestone 11 | Emote: Questionable Calculation |
Milestone 12 | 1500 Blue Essence |
Milestone 13 | 500 Orange Essence |
Milestone 14 | Mystery Emote Permanent |
Milestone 15 | 1 Gemstone |
Milestone 16 | Hextech Key |
Milestone 17 | 1 Masterwork Chest |
Milestone 18 | 750 Orange Essence |
Milestone 19 | PROJECT 2021 Orb |
Milestone 20 | 1 Gemstone |
Token Missions (Pass Required)
Download a constant stream of Tokens with these cybernetically enhanced missions.
Playing Games
Win a matchmade PVP SR match | 10 Tokens |
Lose a matchmade PVP SR match | 5 Tokens |
Win a matchmade PvP ARAM match | 6 Tokens |
Lose a matchmade PvP ARAM match | 3 Tokens |
Achieve a rank of 1-2 in TFT | 8 Tokens |
Achieve a rank of 3-4 in TFT | 6 Tokens |
Achieve a rank of 5-6 in TFT | 4 Tokens |
Achieve a rank of 7-8 in TFT | 2 Tokens |
Win a matchmade Nexus Blitz match | 6 Tokens |
Lose a matchmade Nexus Blitz match | 3 Tokens |
Weekly Wins Missions
Wondering how to score points towards your Weekly Wins? Every time you win in Summoner’s Rift, ARAM, Nexus Blitz, or TFT (placing in the top 4), you’ll earn 5 points. And Victory isn’t everything—even if you’re on the losing team (or if you’ve placed 8-5 in TFT), you’ll still earn 2 points, so really it’s a win-win!
Week 1: Score 35 Points | 230 Tokens |
Week 2: Score 35 Points | 230 Tokens |
Week 3: Score 35 Points | 230 Tokens |
Week 4: Score 50 Points | 310 Tokens |
PROJECT Missions
Overclock your odds of success by integrating these PROJECT missions into your system.
Recruit: Project Corporation | Earn 250,000 Gold AND Win 10 Games | 30 Tokens |
Recruit: G/Netic Rebels | Earn 120 Takedowns AND Deal 1,000,000 Damage to Champions (Physical or Magic) | 30 Tokens |
Recruit: Outcasts | As a Team, Destroy 100 Structures (Towers, Inhibitors, Nexuses) AND Destroy 20 Wards | 30 Tokens |
Confront the Tyrant | Earn 100 Points Here’s how to earn points: Have more Takedowns than Deaths +2 Points Play with 1 or more friends +2 Points Win a game +4 PointsLose a game +2 Points | 40 Tokens |
A City Besieged | Win a Game OR Play 3 Games | 10 Tokens |
City::Factions->Gather() | Play 2 games in a party with 1 or more friends OR Play 5 Games | 10 Tokens |
ERROR[Dissonance] | Earn 25 Takedowns OR Play 3 Games | 10 Tokens |
City::Defend() | Earn a Vision Score of 25 or more in 2 Games OR Play 3 Games | 10 Tokens |
PROJECT Cache | Complete 4 PROJECT 2021 Missions | 2021 PROJECT: Event Icon |
Up in Flames | Win 2 Games OR Play 5 Games | 10 Tokens |
Protector::Factions->Diplomacy() | Get a Crowd Control Score of 100 across multiple Games OR Play 5 Games | 10 Tokens |
Proving Oneself | As a Team, earn First Blood or First Tower OR Play 3 Games | 10 Tokens |
The Tyrant Strikes | As a Team, Kill Baron Nashor OR Play 3 Games | 10 Tokens |
PROJECT Resupply | Complete 8 PROJECT 2021 Missions | Eternals Capsule |
Approaching the Stronghold | Win 3 Games OR Play 6 Games | 10 Tokens |
City::Factions->Unite() | As a Team, Kill 4 Dragons OR Play 5 Games | 10 Tokens |
Now or Never | Win a Game in 28 minutes or less OR Play 3 Games | 10 Tokens |
Showdown | Play a Game As, With, or Against a Champion with a PROJECT Skin OR Play 3 Games | 10 Tokens |
PROJECT Armory | Complete 12 PROJECT 2021 Missions | Master Chest + Key |
Orb Mission
Orb missions are unlike the other PROJECT missions in that they aren’t linked together. Simply play 30 matchmade games to reap your rewards.
Play 30 Games | 50 PROJECT Tokens and PROJECT 2021 Orb |
Event Shop and Things You Can Unlock With Tokens
- PROJECT Prestige Points Icon + 100 Prestige Points 2020 – 2200 Tokens
- PROJECT: Sylas Prestige Edition + Icon – 2000 Tokens
- PROJECT: Mordekaiser (Reckoning) Chroma + Icon – 300 Tokens
- PROJECT: Sejuani (Reckoning) Chroma + Icon – 300 Tokens
- PROJECT: Renekton (Reckoning) Chroma + Icon – 300 Tokens
- PROJECT: Senna (Reckoning) Chroma + Icon – 300 Tokens
- PROJECT: Sylas (Reckoning) Chroma + Icon – 300 Tokens
- PROJECT: Varus (Reckoning) Chroma + Icon – 300 Tokens
- PROJECT: Fiora (Reckoning) Chroma + Icon – 300 Tokens
- PROJECT: Jinx (Reckoning) Chroma + Icon – 300 Tokens
- PROJECT: Akali (Reckoning) Chroma + Icon – 300 Tokens
- PROJECT: Pyke (Reckoning) Chroma + Icon – 300 Tokens
- PROJECT: Warwick (Reckoning) Chroma + Icon – 300 Tokens
- PROJECT: Lucian (Reckoning) Chroma + Icon – 300 Tokens
- PROJECT: Zed (Reckoning) Chroma + Icon – 300 Tokens
- PROJECT: Mordekaiser (Border + Icon) – 250 Tokens
- PROJECT: Sejuani (Border + Icon) – 250 Tokens
- PROJECT: Renekton (Border + Icon) – 250 Tokens
- PROJECT: Senna (Border + Icon) – 250 Tokens
- PROJECT: Sylas (Border + Icon) – 250 Tokens
- PROJECT: Varus (Border + Icon) – 250 Tokens
- PROJECT 2021 Orb – 200 Tokens
Little Legends Eggs
- LL Series 1 Egg – 600 Tokens
- LL Series 2 Egg – 600 Tokens
- LL Series 3 Egg – 600 Tokens
- LL Series 4 Egg – 600 Tokens
- LL Series 5 Egg – 600 Tokens
- Cosmic Companions Egg – 600 Tokens
- Friends From Afar Egg – 600 Tokens
- Immortal Creatures Egg – 600 Tokens
- Little Legends Series 1-Spirit Blossom Egg – 300 Tokens
- Mystery Emote – 60 Tokens
- Random Champion Shard – 50 Tokens
- 3 Keys – 180 Tokens
- 1 Key – 60 Tokens
- 1 Key Fragment – 20 Tokens
- 100 Blue Essence – 10 Tokens
- 10 Blue Essence – 1 Token
Loot and Loot Bundles
For the PROJECT Event, players will get PROJECT Orb as loot. The PROJECT Orb will give you one random Skin Shard and it multiplies your Gemstone and Mythic Skin permanent drop rates by 1.5. Plus it grants a 3.5% chance to drop a G/NETIC Bag. And the G/NETIC Bag can have Gemstone and Mythic Skin permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.
Here are the G/NETIC Bag drops:
- 1 skin shards worth 1350 RP or below (100% probability)
- 2 skin shards worth 975RP or above (100% probability)
- 15% chance for an additional 2 skin shards worth 975 RP or above
The BASTION Pack is exclusive to the 50 Orb Bundle, and it grants you one of the following:
- 3 skin shards worth 1350 RP or below (80% probability)
- 4 skin shards from any tier (19% probability)
- 4 random permanents (1% probability)
Get ahold of your loot in the Store:
- 1 PROJECT 2021 Orb + 16 PROJECT Tokens – 250 RP
- 10 PROJECT 2021 Orbs + 1 Bonus Orb + 160 PROJECT Tokens – 2500 RP
- 25 PROJECT 2021 Orbs + 1 G/NETIC Bag + 400 PROJECT Tokens – 6250 RP
- 50 PROJECT 2021 Orbs + 2 G/NETIC Bags + 1 BASTION Pack + 800 PROJECT Tokens – 12500 RP
Grab all the latest tech with the PROJECT 2021 Mega Bundle, which includes the champions below and their PROJECT skins alongside border icons and the PROJECT ward for 15246 RP. Discounts will be applied should you already own some, or all, of these champions.
- PROJECT: Mordekaiser – 1820 RP
- PROJECT: Sejuani – 1350 RP
- PROJECT: Renekton – 1820 RP
- PROJECT: Senna – 1350 RP
- PROJECT: Sylas – 1350 RP
- PROJECT: Varus – 1350 RP
Most of the Chromas coming out for this release cost 290 RP. Note that some chromas can only be found in specific ways, such as through loot, bundles, or as influencer exclusives.
- PROJECT: Mordekaiser – (Catseye, Rose Quartz, Aquamarine, Amethyst, Emerald, Pearl, Rainbow, [Event Shop Exclusive] – Reckoning, [Bundle Exclusive] – Ruby)
- PROJECT: Sejuani – (Catseye, Sapphire, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Pearl, Obsidian, [Influencer Exclusive] – Emerald, [Event Shop Exclusive] – Reckoning, [Bundle Exclusive] – Ruby)
- PROJECT: Renekton – (Sapphire, Emerald, Tanzanite, Catseye, [Event Shop Exclusive] – Reckoning, [Bundle Exclusive] – Ruby)
- PROJECT: Senna – (Catseye, Peridot, Sapphire, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Pearl, Obsidian, [Event Shop Exclusive] – Reckoning, [Bundle Exclusive] – Ruby)
- PROJECT: Sylas – (Catseye, Amethyst, Sapphire, Peridot, Turquoise, Pearl, Citrine, [Event Shop Exclusive] – Reckoning, [Bundle Exclusive] – Ruby)
- PROJECT: Varus – (Catseye, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Amethyst, Emerald, Pearl, Obsidian, [Event Shop Exclusive] – Reckoning, [Bundle Exclusive] – Ruby)
Ward Skins
- PROJECT 2021 Ward – Bundle Exclusive
- PROJECT 2021 Border – Available in the Event Shop
Border Sets
Border Sets are a way to get all the aesthetic perks for your favorite champ.
- PROJECT: Mordekaiser – Skin, Ward Skin, & Border Icon
- With Champion – 2982 RP
- Without Champion – 2690 RP
- PROJECT: Sejuani – Skin, Ward Skin, & Border Icon
- With Champion – 2660 RP
- Without Champion – 2220 RP
- PROJECT: Renekton – Skin, Ward Skin, & Border Icon
- With Champion – 3130 RP
- Without Champion – 2690 RP
- PROJECT: Senna – Skin, Ward Skin, & Border Icon
- With Champion – 2707 RP
- Without Champion – 2220 RP
- PROJECT: Sylas – Skin, Ward Skin, & Border Icon
- With Champion – 2707 RP
- Without Champion – 2220 RP
- PROJECT: Varus – Skin, Ward Skin, & Border Icon
- With Champion – 2660 RP
- Without Champion – 2220 RP
- Bwa ha ha!! – PROJECT 2021 Event Pass – Milestone 5
- Go On, Impress Me! – PROJECT 2021 Event Pass – Milestone 9
- Questionable Calculation – PROJECT 2021 Event Pass – Milestone 11