Riot Games reveals a hotfix patch 11.24b for League of Legends targeting multiple overpowered and under popular champions.
The League of Legends Season 12 is just around the corner, and Riot recently pushed patch 11.24 to balance the new preseason changes. Chemtech Dragon Soul, Crown of the Shattered Queen, and Axiom Arc got hit hard by the update while Ivern and Samira received buffs. Moreover, Lethal Tempo and Glacial Augment also received some adjustments.
However, ahead of the new season, League of Legends’ Designer on the Summoner’s Rift team, Riot Phlox, has announced that they are pushing a hotfix patch 11.24b to balance out the preseason even more.
“This will be a micropatch Wednesday focused on anything we don’t want to let sit over the holidays,” Riot Phlox said. “It’s the last patch of the year!”
This hotfix patch will buff five champions: Gwen, Olaf, Kai’Sa, Varus, and Pyke. Recently updated Glacial Augment is also on the buff list.
Moreover, soloq dominant champions — Vayne receives nerfs on patch 11.24b along with Dr. Mundo, Kassadin, Lux, and Talon jungle.
Release Date
According to Riot Games, League of Legends patch 11.24b will be released on Wednesday, December 15, 2021.
Patch 11.24b Notes
Champion Buffs
- Base stats:
- HP: 550 >>> 590
- Passive:
- Max AS: 75% >>> 100%
- Passive:
- On-Hit Damage: 4-10 (+1-5) (+10-20% AP) >>> 4-16 (+1-8) (+15-25% AP)
- Q:
- Damage Ratio: 40% bonus AD >>> 50% bonus AD
- W:
- Evolved Cooldown Refund: 70% >>> 77%
- Passive:
- AS Duration: 5s >>> 5/7/8/11s (levels 1/6/11/16)
- W:
- On-Hit Damage: 7/8/9/10/11 (+25% AP) >>> 7/9/11/13/15 (+30% AP)
- Stack Damage Ratio: (+2% per 100 AP) target’s max HP >>> (+2.5% per 100 AP) target’s max HP
- Passive:
- Ally Regen: 35% >>> 40%
- Q:
- Damage: 85/135/185/235/285 >>> 100/150/200/250/300
Champion Nerfs
Dr. Mundo
- Base stats:
- HP Regen: 8 >>> 6.5
- Q:
- Min Damage: 80/135/190/245/300 >>> 80/130/180/230/280
- Passive:
- Magic Damage Reduction: 15% >>> 10%
- W:
- Bonus Damage: 70/95/120/145/170 >>> 50/75/100/125/150
- Q:
- Cooldown: 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 >>> 11 at all ranks
- Base Damage: 80/125/170/215/260 >>> 80/120/160/200/240
- R:
- Bonus Attack Damage: 35/50/65 >>> 25/40/55
Talon (Jungle)
- W:
- Monster Mod: 150% >>> 130%
System Buffs
Glacial Augment
- Heal and Shield Ratio: 7% (per 10% Heal and Shield power) >>> 9% (per 10% Heal and Shield power)
System Nerfs
First Strike
- Damage Bonus: 10% >>> 9%