League of Legends patch 11.7 is going to feature big Turbo Chemtank changes, massive bot lane nerfs, Yasuo buffs, and more.
Ever since the 2021 preseason went live, Riot has had a hard time balancing out all the new Mythic and revamped items. Even though Riot has already pushed multiple balance updates and hotfixes, there are always a few items and champions that become meta out of nowhere and completely take over the Summoner’s Rift.
This time, for patch 11.7, Riot is finally nerfing the “who has the fastest” jungle meta, targeting Hecarim, Udyr, and Turbo Chemtank. Moreover, Riot is also giving massive nerfs to some meta bot lane champions, including Rell, Thresh, Alistar, Kai’Sa, and Tristana.
Furthermore, League of Legends Patch 11.7 will also include the Space Groove event featuring new skins for Blitzcrank, Nunu & Willump, Nasus, Rumble, Lux, Samira, and Lulu.
League of Legends Gameplay Design Director Mark “Scruffy” Yetter has previewed League of Legends patch 11.7, and here’s everything you need to know about the patch notes.
Patch 11.7 Release Date
League of Legends patch 11.7 is going to release on Wednesday, March 31, 2021.
LoL Patch 11.7 release time:
- NA: 3:00 AM PT
- EUW: 5:00 UK time
- EUNE: 3:00 CET
Item Nerfs
Essence Reaver
- Cost: 2900 >>> 2800
- AD: 55 >>> 45
Lord Dominik’s Regards
- Cost: 2900 >>> 3000
- AD: 35 >>> 30
- Active damage: 125 (+35% AP) >>> 100 (+30% AP)
- Active CD: 20 >>> 30s
Item buffs
Serylda’s Grudge
- Cost: 3400 >>> 3200
Trinity Force
- AD: 25 >>> 30
- AS: 35 >>> 30
- [NEW] Passive stacks on towers
- Mythic Passive: 10% AS >>> 3 AD, 3 MS, 3 Haste
Item adjustments
Turbo Chemtank
- Supercharge Move Speed: 75% >>> 60%
- Supercharged Slow: 40% >>> 50%
Champion Nerfs
- Base AD: 66 >>> 64
- E Maximum Move Speed: 75% >>> 65%
- E stun duration: 0.75s >>> 0.5s
- W Shields: 60-220 >>> 60-180
- Q damage: 60-240 >>> 60-220
- E damage on attack: 35-290 >>> 20-275
- R Cooldown: 110-70s >>> 130-70s
- Base AD: 61 >>> 59
Champion Buffs
- Q bAD ratio: 65% >>> 75%
- E cooldown: 18-14 >>> 16-12s
- Mist walkers draw tower aggro to themselves when attacking
- E marked champions continuously awaken graves during the debuff
- E mist walkers deal an attack when they leap
- R towers prioritize Maiden last (unless it attacks an enemy)
- E cooldown: 18-10 >>> 16-8
- R max knock up: 1-1.5s >>> 1-2s
- AD per level: 2.2 >>> 3
- Q isolation bonus: 30-50 >>> 40-60%
- Q damage: 70-190 >>> 80-200
- W damage: 20-80 >>> 30-90
- AD per level: 3 >>> 3.4
- Q mana cost: 50-70 >>> 30-50
- E CD: 10-6 >>> 9-5s
- Space Groove Nunu, Rumble, and Blitzcrank Skin: Release Date, Splash Art, and Price
- Space Groove Lux, Samira, and Lulu Skin: Release Date, Splash Art, and Price
- Space Groove Nasus Skin 2021: Splash Art, Release Date, and Price