Jungle Pet Changes Coming Soon In League of Legends

Shoaib Akter Himel
By Shoaib Akter Himel
3 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

More jungle pet changes coming in Lol soon; URF teased as well

By this point, it’s quite clear that season 2024 is the biggest update in League of Legends history in recent memory. Not only has Riot made immense changes to the map, Baron, items, and objectives but it also has pushed the players to rethink their strategies.

Among the gameplay-related changes, Jungle didn’t directly get a change other than the void camps. But Riot had experimented quite a few times during the second half of season 2023, including changes with jungle pets.

Ever since their introduction, jungle pets have redefined the gameplay for the Junglers. The pets can help clear the camps quite fast, giving the player the flexibility to either gank early or make counter-plays by power farming or counter-jungling.

The most notable perk of the pets is the incredible sustain they give in the form of heal and shields. From mid-game onwards, jungle champions almost always get to clear camps with full HP. Therefore, it’s important to balance the pets so it doesn’t temper the overall flow of the game, involving other lanes.

That’s why Riot is going to bring more changes to the Jungle pet soon.

In this article, let’s take a look at what you’d be expecting.

Read More: League of Legends Patch 14.2 Notes

All the Jungle Pet Changes Coming to Lol

Following are the changes coming to Jungle Pets:

  • Heal increased from 12 – 35 to 14 – 37
  • Epic monster base damage cap reduced from 16 – 40 to 15.5
  • Epic monster damage cap is now affected by the normal health, AP, AD, and resist ratios
  • URF treat breakpoints reduced from 20 and 40 to 10 and 20

The healing increase may seem odd at first sight because it’s already OP, according to most of the non-jungle mains. However, it’s balanced by the damage nerfs. Jungle pet damage will be capped at 15.5, which is a significant reduction from 40.

However, the damage cap can be increased using normal health, AP, AD, and defensive (armor and MR) ratios. With this, the jungle pets will scale slowly later into the game, but much of the early-mid game power seems to have been axed.

Riot also has secretly teased URF with the last change, although the change here is a buff as you can now evolve your pets faster with lower treat breakpoints. But again, it’s URF.

When will the Changes go Live?

Currently, there’s no update on when these changes will be live on the servers. I will update you on it as soon as Riot reveals more about it.

By Shoaib Akter Himel League of Legends Writer
Shoaib is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv. He is passionate about Video Games, Anime, Movies and TV series. He loves deeply analyzing the media he consumes.