Irelia mini-rework confirmed for patch 11.14: ability changes, new ultimate passive, and more

Ali Ahmed Akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib
3 Min Read
Image: Riot Games

Riot Games confirms that Irelia is getting mini-rework type changes in League of Legends patch 11.14.

Because of how dominant she was after her full rework in patch 8.7, Irelia had to undergo multiple nerfs and major changes in season 8 and 9. After all those changes, her popularity dropped significantly last season. Moreover, even in the early 2021 preseason, she was struggling to surpass the 45% win rate.

However, she did receive a buff right before season 11 which somewhat helped her to regain some of her lost strength. Just after that buff, she went from having a 45% win rate to 47% in patch 10.25.

For most of season 11, her state has remained the same. And despite performing so poorly in soloq win rate wise, she is yet to receive any kind of changes in season 11.

But now, the Designer on the Summoner’s Rift team, Riot Phlox, has confirmed that Irelia is getting massive changes along with Lillia in League of Legends patch 11.14.

Irelia Changes Patch 11.14

Base stats:

  • Health: 580 >>> 520
  • Magic resist: 32 >>> 28
  • HP per level: 95 >>> 110


  • Max Passive Stacks: 5 >>> 4
  • Attack Speed per stack: 8/12/16% based on level >>> 7.5/13.75/20% based on level
  • Damage: 15-66 (+25% bonus AD) >>> 10-61 (30% bonus AD)


  • Dash Speed: Movement Speed + 1500 >>> Significantly reduced
  • Minion damage: 55/75/95/115/135 >>> 55+12 /lvl


  • DR: 50% (+7%/100 AP) Physical >>> 40-80% Physical and 20-40% Magic DR levels 1-18 (AP Ratio preserved)
  • Max Damage: 20/50/80/110/140 (+100% AD) (+80% AP) >>> 30/95/160/225/290 (+150% AD) (+120% AP)


  • Missile Travel Time: Based on distance >>> 0.25s (This looks like a little weird right now)
  • Cannot be cast or recast during Q
  • Cannot be recast while CCd


  • [NEW PASSIVE] Decrease Q cooldown by 0.5/1.5/2.5s before Haste

In this mini-rework, Irelia is getting her base HP lowered by 60 at the early game which might be a bit rough against certain matchups. Her passive stacks are now becoming 4 with increased attack speed at the last game. Her Q’s dash speed is getting lowered but Riot Phlox said “Q speed isn’t actually much slower.”

Her W is now getting AP scaling, so prepare to see W max full AP Irelias in the soloq. Her overall E changes are a complete nerf but she is now getting a new ultimate passive that decreases her Q cooldown.

Release Date

Irelia mini-rework along with the Lillia changes are scheduled to hit the Summoner’s Rift on patch 11.14, July 8, 2021.

ali ahmed akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib Editor-in-chief
Ali Ahmed Akib is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-chief of GameRiv. Akib grew up playing MOBA titles, especially League of Legends and is currently managing the editorial team of GameRiv.