How to Unlock General Grievous in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Ashia Bente Rabbani
By Ashia Bente Rabbani
4 Min Read
Credit: Traveller's Tales

In the Skywalker Saga, players can choose to play both heroes and villains. One of the most iconic villains in this franchise is General Grievous, who is a lot harder to take down in the game, but you gotta be patient along the way. By the end of this article, you will know how to unlock this iconic and famous villain, General Grievous!

The LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is an action-adventure game where you have to complete a five-story task on each level. The game has in total of 45 levels which are filled with battles and mysteries where you get to fight the villains or become one like General Grievous!

Out of the 380 playable characters, General Grievous is a prequel character with extraordinary skills and intelligence. Not only is he good at playing mind games, but also he has four lightsabers to take you down completely. It is not so easy but not so hard either to unlock General Grievous.

To unlock General Grievous, you just have to stay patient and put a lot of effort and use Studs along with the fight. The fight will be long and expensive, but you surely can do it!

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How To Unlock General Grievous

To unlock General Grievous, you must:

  • Complete the mission after Episode 2, “So Uncivilized,” where you will take control of Obi-Wan Kenobi while battling the General. 
  • The long fight will force Obi-Wan into a dynamic situation along with various phases throughout the fight. This means you will have to fight quite a few soldiers and solve some puzzles even before getting to the General Grievous.
  • The General has 3 major shields, which will go down one by one after one of his limbs, and one lightsaber is being taken down by you continuously until he surrenders.
  • Ultimately, if you succeed in taking all the three shields down, you will be able to conquer him.
  • Moreover, you will be needing the required amount of Studs to purchase General Grievous after taking him down, and then you can use the villain in the rest of your gameplay.
  • General Grievous’s full cost is 200,000 Studs, and you will find him in the Villain category while you select characters to purchase.

You should also remember that when you want to complete an episode, you must first beat down the area before taking General Grievous in the fight with you against other enemies. You can earn a lot of Studs with a huge score in other fights by having General Grievous by your side.

How to Unlock General Grievous in LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga
Credit: VoxelEra ( YT )

Best of luck unlocking General Grievous in your gameplay! Happy Gaming !!

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By Ashia Bente Rabbani Roblox Writer
Ashia is a gaming guides writer at GameRiv who shares her passion for games through the written word. Her work helps gamers learn the ropes of Roblox and other new games, like a trusty guide always on call. She is always on the lookout for new ways to share her love of gaming with others with her creative writing.