Riot has revealed the upcoming legendary skin, Faerie Queen Karma, which will release in patch 13.6.
In the season 2023 roadmap video, Riot did not reveal many upcoming skin lines. However, they did announce a new skin line called Faerie Court. Riot mentioned that this skin line was inspired by European Folklore. The Faerie Court universe is set in a majestic world filled with beauty, magic, and nature. And in that magical land, Faerie Queen is the most influential.
Although Riot only revealed two skins at the time, with the reveal of Milio, we would come to know that he would be a part of the skin line. But now Riot has officially announced that there would be 8 new Faerie Court skins, including the prestige edition. And the legendary skin in this set will be Faerie Queen Karma.
Karma was a support champion released in 2011. But during her release, barely anyone enjoyed playing her. Not only that, but her visual was also not up to par, even in 2011 standards. Even Riot realized the situation early on, so they gave Karma a complete rework in 2013.
After her rework, many players started playing her and enjoying her. Regarding pick rate, she is one of the most prominent enchanters in both solo queue and pro play. Also, many players even pick her in the top lane as it is a viable off-meta option.
Because of Karma’s popularity, Karma has 12 skins. But she neither has legendary skin nor prestige skin. This upcoming skin will be her first legendary skin.
Read more: Riot Reveals New Faerie Court Skins for Patch 13.6.
Faerie Queen Karma Skin
Splash Art

Faerie Queen Karma Price
Faerie Queen Karma will be a legendary skin and cost 1820 RP.
Release Date
The Faerie Court skin line will hit live servers on patch 13.6, scheduled to release on March 23, 2023.