League of Legends’ upcoming new champion Milio will be coming to the Rift on Patch 13.6.
League of Legends is still one of the most popular titles on the market despite being released more than ten years ago. The main reason for its popularity is the introduction of new champions & frequent updates. Riot releases a new champion regularly to keep the game fresh and exciting and adhere to the tradition; Riot will release Milio next.
Riot teased Milio back in 2022, along with K’Sante and Preseason 2023 changes. They also announced that he would be the first champion to release in 2023. And now, after months of waiting, he has finally been revealed.
Riot, just a few moments ago, revealed the newest champion coming to the League of Legends roster, Milio, The Gentle Flame. The League of Legends Vietnam website initially leaked the champion, and later on, Riot officially unveiled Milio along with his Splash Art and Universe Page.
Milio, The Gentle Flame, is an enchanter champion hailing from the region Ixtal, where Qiyana is from. He is a warmhearted boy who has, despite his young age, mastered the fire axiom and discovered something new: soothing fire. He uses the soothing fire to heal and help people rather than to cause destruction.
Now that Riot has given us our first look at the character, it’s probable that further details about his in-game abilities will be released shortly. We will update the post as soon as it becomes available, so stay tuned.
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