One of the people behind Fortnite tweeted praising the new season 4 trailer of Apex Legends. This created a wholesome exchange between Epic dev and twitter user cat_apex.
When Apex Legends launched back in February 2019 Fortnite was and still is one of the most famous battle royale games right now. There was a lot of toxicity from both games, especially from their designated fan base.
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Jonathan Criner one of the devs of Epic recently tweeted out after the Apex season 4 reveal trailer that he was stunned at the cinematic quality. He also congratulated Respawn for making huge advancements in the game since day one.
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He later talked about the fact that people always default to hating their rivals without giving them a fair chance. Which creates unnecessary toxicity. Rather then putting down your opponents to make yourself look better you can just pull yourself and your contemporaries at the same time.
This exchange really makes it obvious that it is ok to like both Fortnite and Apex. Many unnecessary arguments towards which one is better are really irrelevant as everybody has different taste when it comes to entertainment.
Games like Fortnite and Apex Legends has huge fanbase consisting of people from different background. And people from both sides of the aisle can enjoy both at the same time without resorting to any unnecessary toxicity online.
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