EDG Worlds 2021 skins pick potentially revealed

Ali Ahmed Akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib
2 Min Read
Image: Riot Games

League of Legends Worlds 2021 champion, EDward Gaming, has potentially chosen the champions getting the Worlds skins.

With a record-breaking viewership, EDward Gaming dethroned fan-favorite and former Worlds champion DWG KIA in an intense 3-2 series to become the Worlds 2021 champion.

And just like the previous Worlds champions, EDward Gaming now also has the opportunity to pick their own champions for Worlds 2021 skins and be immortalized in-game.

There’ve already been some speculations and a press conference that somewhat revealed which champions are getting the skins. However, recently a new rumor has been circulating on Twitter that may have confirmed the champions for EDG Worlds 2021 skins.

Which champions will get the EDG Worlds 2021 skins?

According to the rumor, here are all the champions who will get EDG skins:

  • Li “Flandre” Xuan-Jun (Top Lane): Graves 
  • Zhao “Jiejie” Li-Jie (Jungle): Viego
  • Lee “Scout” Ye-chan (Mid Lane): Zoe
  • Park “Viper” Do-hyeon (ADC): Aphelios
  • Tian “Meiko” Ye (Support): Lulu

Graves has been a crucial Top Laner for most of the tournament, with a 78.3% presence. And out of his 36 picks, Flandre alone picked him 11 times. Therefore, it is no surprise that Graves is picked for the Worlds skin.

Both Zoe and Aphelios were picked by Scout and Viper three times and were one of their highest-picked champions. Viego, on the other hand, was played by Jiejie only once — but that is enough as he was picked in the finals. Lulu was also Meiko’s one of the highest-picked champions in the tournament.

However, the champions are yet to be confirmed by Riot Games or EDward Gaming.

EDward Gaming Skins Release Date

Riot Games usually unveil the Worlds skins right before the Mid-Season Invitational. Therefore, the EDG Worlds 2021 skins should also be released by patch 12.9, scheduled for May 10, 2022.

ali ahmed akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib Editor-in-chief
Ali Ahmed Akib is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-chief of GameRiv. Akib grew up playing MOBA titles, especially League of Legends and is currently managing the editorial team of GameRiv.