Dead Space Remake Satellite Arrangement Puzzle: How To Fix The Comms Array

Ashia Bente Rabbani
By Ashia Bente Rabbani
3 Min Read
Credit: Motive Studio

One of the most relaxed puzzle episodes in Dead Space Remake is the Staetliet Arrangement Puzzle. This guide will show you how to solve the puzzle and fix the Comms Array.

In Dead Space Remake, you will encounter the silent and ominous Aegis VII world in this game. One of the game’s protagonists is Issac Clarke, and a few other characters are identified as members of his crew. Issac receives a call from Ishimura stating that animals have injured numerous people. Issac travels to the location to aid the victims and unravel their mysteries.

In Aegis VII, players must fend off several deadly Necromorph, the creatures that harm their fellow players. The entire game is drawn out and suspenseful. When you play this game, you will experience the excitement at your fingertips. There are puzzles in different chapters of this game.

In chapter 8, there is The Comms Array Puzzle which you will have to complete with the Staelite Arrangement. You will have to arrange the satellite to get back the communication system under control. There are some easy steps to solve this puzzle.

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Satellite Arrangement Puzzle: How To Fix The Comms Array

To solve the puzzle, you may follow the steps below:

Start the Chapter

To play this puzzle and solve it, you must get to Chapter 8 first. And when you are in Chapter 8, you will start contacting the USM Valor.

Create The Blue Line

When this puzzle starts, you must make a single line in blue-colored energy from Piwer Source to the Top Room and into the Central Nod.

Use The Satelite Dishes

You will have to use the White-lined Satellite Dishes to connect the single Blue line you created earlier. This will help the Blue line go in the right direction.

Remove all the other Satellites above the Power Source which do not have the White Lines with your Kinesis.

After that, the computer in that place will tell you that the Communication System is back on track, and your puzzle will finally be solved.

Dead Space Remake Satellite Arrangement Puzzle: How To Fix The Comms Array
Credit: YouTube (PowerPyx)

This way, you can solve the Comms Array puzzle in Dead Space Remake.

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By Ashia Bente Rabbani Roblox Writer
Ashia is a gaming guides writer at GameRiv who shares her passion for games through the written word. Her work helps gamers learn the ropes of Roblox and other new games, like a trusty guide always on call. She is always on the lookout for new ways to share her love of gaming with others with her creative writing.