Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty: All Main Missions

Muhibul Alam Chowdhury
By Muhibul Alam Chowdhury
5 Min Read
Credit: CD Projekt Red

All missions core to the main storyline of Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

Cyberpunk 2077 is a dystopian sci-fi RPG set in the near future. Developed by CD Projekt Red, it features a massive and deep storyline like those of the developer’s previous titles. Furthermore, while the story may not be as large as CDPR’s previous game, one can argue that it is packed with more content and tighter moment-to-moment pacing.

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The new Phantom Liberty expansion brings even more content and a new spy-thriller storyline. Night City, where Cyberpunk 2077 takes place, is the most violent metropolis of the dystopian future that is the game’s setting.

Phantom Liberty takes you to Dogtown, the most violent and lawless area of Night City. Furthermore, it thrusts you into a world of espionage, where alliances are shaky and no one can be trusted.

There are two ways to start the DLC: you can start it before the beginning of Act 3 while playing through the entire game, or you can create a new character and skip straight to Phantom Liberty.

Phantom Liberty has 19 missions. The 19th mission is an epilogue that serves as a new ending for the game. While it is not essential for the main storyline of Cyberpunk 2077, Phantom Liberty develops V’s character further.

This guide aims to provide you with all the knowledge you need about the main questline of Phantom Liberty.

Remember that Phantom Liberty is a big expansion and contains a lot of side content. And like the main game, if you want to go through all the side content, you should pace yourself with the main storyline rather than blasting through it.

Phantom Liberty Main Storyline Explained

Phantom Liberty takes place in Dogtown, where you, as V, are tasked with rescuing the President of the New United States of America, Rosalind Myers.

Before the start of Act 3, you receive a call from Songbird, who works for the NUSA and is the right hand woman of President Myers. She’ll call you to the entrance of Dogtown and bring you to a lightly guarded back entrance to Dogtown. Once you’re through you and Songbird will watch President Myer’s plane crash landing in Dogtown, leaving her stranded. Thus, your rescue mission starts.

You’ll have to forge shaky alliances with dangerous characters in Dogtown. Dogtown is a walled-off area in the Pacifica subdistrict and falls out of the jurisdiction of the NCPD. Therefore its residents are mostly gang members, smugglers, and other criminals. It is controlled by the Barghest, led by Kurt Hansen.

Throughout your mission, you will work closely with FIA sleeper agent Solomon Reed and other interesting characters, such as Alena Xenakis, an undercover agent working for the FIA.

Phantom Liberty All Main Missions

Below is a list of all the main missions of Phantom Liberty, along with the objectives you’ll pursue to complete them.

Mission No.Mission Name
1Dog Eat Dog
2Hole in the Sky
3Spider and the Fly
4Lucretia My Reflection
5The Damned
6Get It Together
7You Know My Name
8Birds with Broken Wings
9I’ve Seen That Face Before
11The Killing Moon (Ending Path 1: only if you side with Songbird in Firestarter)
12Run This Town
13Through Pain to Heaven (only if you side with Reed in The Killing Moon)
14Who Wants to Live Forever
15Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos (Ending Path 2: only if you side with Reed in Firestarter)
16Things Done Changed
17Somewhat Damaged
18Leave In Silence
19Four Score and Seven
Phantom Liberty Main Missions

Read More: Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty: Kill Jacob and Taylor?

By Muhibul Alam Chowdhury Guide Writer
Muhibul Alam Chowdhury is a Guide writer at GameRiv.