Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty – Top 20 Best Mods

Abu Taher Tamim
By Abu Taher Tamim
10 Min Read

Cyberpunk 2077 released another DLC. Therefore, let’s look at the best Phantom Liberty mods. Here, I have highlighted the top 20 mods in the game.

In the futuristic yet flawed metropolis of Night City, becoming the ultimate edgerunner means enhancing your cyberware and arsenal however possible. This is where modding can take your Cyberpunk 2077 experience to the next level.

With the talented modding community, the possibilities in Night City are endless. We’ll highlight some must-have mods to upgrade your game visually, tweak gameplay, or just goof around with crazy additions.

Whether you seek improved performance, new customization options, or total silly chaos, these mods deliver the edge. Install a few choice mods and unlock Night City’s true potential.

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Top 20 Mods in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

20. Streamlined Health Bar

Streamlined Health Bar
Credit: Nexus Mods

You can clean up the HUD with this minimalist health bar. It simplifies the display in a sleek blue color, taking inspiration from Deus Ex. The new icons integrate seamlessly into the refined design. Download the mod from here.

19. Remove Fake Distance Fog

Remove fake distance fog
Credit: Nexus Mods

If you want to reveal Night City’s true beauty, then you need to remove the fake, distant fog. It gets rid of the unnatural blue haze while preserving proper volumetric fog. You will rediscover the depth of the city. Check out this mod.

18. Phantom Liberty: Hair Collection

Phantom Liberty - Hair Collection
Credit: Nexus Mods

Refresh your look with new hair options from the Phantom Liberty expansion. This collection offers fresh hairstyles for both males and females. Set textures to ultra to fully appreciate the details. Download this mod here.

17. Militech Holosight

Militech Holosight
Credit: Nexus Mods

You can upgrade your iron sights with this holographic smart scope. It replaces the Kanone MINI with an immersive, high-tech zoom optic for enhanced targeting. You can dowload this mod from here.

16. XRX Tactical Shorts Archive XL

XRX Tactical Shorts Archive XL
Credit: Nexus Mods

If you want to unleash your inner fashionista, then you can do that with this extensive short-shorts collection. Well, over 100 scandalous cutoffs in a variety of patterns let you showcase your legs in Night City. Check out this mod here.

15. Restore Hair Shadows

Restore Hair Shadows
Credit: Nexus Mods

You will be able to add depth to your locks with realistic shadows. This mod fixes the missing hair and beard shadows caused by changes in Patch 2.0. Your style will stand out with proper lighting effects with this mod from here.

14. Attribute Checks De-Scaled

Attribute Checks De-Scaled
Credit: Nexus Mods

Pass skill checks based on ability, not level, with this mod. It removes the inflated scaling introduced in Update 2.0 and bases attribute check difficulty on the skill tree tiers. Now challenge your skills by downloading this mod from here.

13. Phantom Liberty Vanilla Clothes Refits for Enhanced Big Breast

Phantom Liberty Vanilla Clothes Refits
Credit: Nexus Mods

Flaunt your assets in Phantom Liberty fashions fitted for curvy bodies. These vanilla outfit refits are tailored specifically for the Enhanced Big Breast mod, letting you highlight your cyberware in the expansion’s signature style.

12. Vehicle Third Person Camera Auto-Incline Fixed

Vehicle Third Person Camera
Credit: Nexus Mods

You can now regain seamless driving visibility with this incline camera fix. The mod restores the automatic vertical adjustments of vehicle cameras when going up and down slopes. You’ll stay centered on the action for responsive navigation. Check out this mod from here.

11. All Stash Weapons (2.0 Phantom Liberty)

All Stash Weapons (2.0 - Phantom Liberty)
Credit: Nexus Mods

Fill every slot of your upgraded armory with this comprehensive weapons pack. A single key bind instantly stocks your stash wall to the brim, fully populating the new slots added in Phantom Liberty.

10. Instant Eye Adaptation – Auto Exposure – Update 2.0 – CET

Instant Eye Adaptation - Auto Exposure - Update 2.0 - CET
Credit: Nexus Mods

You will never squint again with instant optic adjustments. This mod forces immediate eye adaptation, so you can move between bright and dark areas without delay. It’s compatible with all lighting and weather changes as well.

09. Hyst x Angy – Virtual Atelier Store

Hyst x Angy - Virtual Atelier Store
Credit: Nexus Mods

Are you looking for premium fashion? Discover premium fashion from top Night City designers. This mod adds Angy and Hyst’s collaborative Virtual Atelier store for the ultimate cyberpunk couture.

08. RipperDeck

Credit: Nexus Mods

You can now skip the clinic and manage implants yourself with RipperDeck. This handy mod lets you equip and upgrade cyberware on the go without visiting a ripperdoc.

07. Unlocked Attachments – Update 2.0 PL – CET

Unlocked Attachments - Update 2.0 PL - CET
Credit: Nexus Mods

Trick out your iron with expanded mod slots. You can unlock extra scope and muzzle attachments for adding mods and enhancing the potential of your arsenal.

06. Smoother Dodge And Dash

Smoother Dodge And Dash
Credit: Nexus Mods

You will be able to dodge and dash with unrivaled fluidity. This mod reduces deceleration for silky smooth evasion animations and extended range. You can crank it up even more for ultimate Cyberninja agility with this mod.

05. Stealth Finishers (ZKV_Takedowns)

Stealth Finishers (ZKV_Takedowns)
Credit: Nexus Mods

Execute enemies with brutal stealth using your melee weaponry. This mod expands your lethal options, allowing melee finishers to be used as silent takedowns. Be sneaky and take down your targets before they can react. Choose to either grapple first or initiate the takedown directly from stealth.

With these expanded options, stealth becomes even deadlier. Pick your favorite melee implement and slice through foes before they detect you. The element of surprise is the ultimate weapon.

04. Unlock Me The Mods 2.0

Unlock Me The Mods 2.0
Credit: Nexus Mods

Tired of permanent mods cluttering your inventory? This mod allows you to retrieve and swap weapon and clothing mods on the fly. Now, a single mod doesn’t have to lock you into a specific bonus.

Easily remove mods and place them in other gear. Experiment with different configurations without losing valuable upgrades forever. With this mod, your arsenal and wardrobe become infinitely flexible.

03. Cyberware-EX

Credit: Nexus Mods

Unlock your full cybernetic potential with expanded mod slots. CYBERWARE-EX lets you override restrictions and experiment with deadly new combinations. Gain additional slots to equip Cyberdecks, Sandevistans, and Berserk implants simultaneously. Pull-off Charge Jump and Double Jump together for unprecedented mobility. This successor to System-EX removes limits on just how chromed up you can get.

02. Phantom Liberty—PUSH UP—Vanilla Clothes Refits

Phantom Liberty – PUSH UP – Vanilla Clothes Refits
Credit: Nexus Mods

Flaunt your assets in Phantom Liberty’s exclusive fashions. This clothing mod is tailored specifically for the EBB Push Up body mod, letting you highlight your cyberware in style. All outfits are pulled directly from the Phantom Liberty DLC, so you’ll need the expansion installed. But once you do, mix and match these hot haute couture options to craft the perfect edgy look.

01. Preem Optics (Exposure Adaptation and Vignette Removal)

Preem Optics (Best Mod in Phantom Liberty)
Credit: Nexus Mods

See Night City in a whole new light, with faster eye adaptation. This mod cranks up the values, so your optics swiftly adjust between bright and dark areas. No more waiting for your lenses to focus when moving between indoors and outdoors. The vignette has also been removed for maximum visual clarity.

You can savor the most Preem optical enhancements to fully appreciate Night City’s vibrant scenery. While this mod may not be compatible with all lighting and weather changes, it’s worth slotting in for a supreme viewing experience. For maximum compatibility, try the Instant Eye Adaptation mod instead. Either way, treat your optics to reduced waiting and distraction across the urban landscape.

These mods put the “punk” back in Cyberpunk by letting you push the limits of the game. Download these mods and give them a try. I love them, and I’m sure you will love them too.

By Abu Taher Tamim Staff Writer
Abu Taher Tamim is a Staff Writer at GameRiv. He started playing video games when one of his uncles brought him a PS1, after it was launched. Since that day until now, he still play video games. As he loves video games so much, he became a gaming content writer.