Cafe Cuties Poppy Skin: Splash Art, Price & Release Date

Soumyo Deb
By Soumyo Deb
2 Min Read
Image Credits: Riot Games

Riot has unveiled the upcoming Poppy skin, Cafe Cuties Poppy, which will be released on patch 13.21.

This season, Riot Games has been releasing unique and high-quality skin lines for League of Legends. Some of them are from smaller skin lines, that don’t have legendary skins. But they are still very impressive in terms of quality. Some of the notable releases are Astronaut, Heartthrob & Heartache, Snow Moon, etc.

Similarly, on the next patch, Riot will be releasing the newest iteration of the Cafe Cuties skin line. This time there will be a total of four new champion skins. One of them is Cafe Cuties Poppy.

Poppy is one of the best flex pick champions in League of Legends. She can be played in almost all roles. Moreover, with her versatility, she is a favorite pick among high ranks. Not only that, she also gets picked frequently in pro tournaments like Worlds.

In terms of her cosmetics, Poppy has 11 different skins. And Cafe Cuties will be her upcoming one.

The newest Cafe Cuties skins are taking the artsy look to a whole different level. But it is not a bad thing. This new skin has its own unique charm. Additionally, VFX and SFX make this skin one of the best ones in Poppy’s portfolio.

Read more: Upcoming Boyband Skins Allegedly Leaked.

Cafe Cuties Poppy

Splash Art

cafe cuties poppy
Image Credits: Riot Games

Cafe Cuties Poppy Price

The newest poppy skin will be of epic rarity. Therefore, it will cost 1350 RP.

Release Date

Cafe Cuties 2023 skins will be released on patch 13.21, scheduled for Wednesday, Oct 25, 2023.

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By Soumyo Deb League of Legends Writer
Soumyo Deb is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv and a dedicated Jungle Main. When he is not writing about the latest League news, he is testing out various off-meta champions in the jungle.