Riot has unveiled that Ashe, Gangplank, Kai’Sa, Nasus, Orianna, Ryze, Sivir, and Viktor will receive massive buffs in the upcoming patch 13.12.
Not too long ago, Riot released the 2023 mid-season update for League of Legends. While this patch did not include a significant champion balance like the previous mid-season update, it had something equally influential. This update reworked almost all existing items in the game. Especially Riot reworked most of the mythic items.
This item rework made many champions weak while also making some overpowered at the same time. Regardless, Riot tried to fix most of these problematic champions in patch 13.11. Moreover, they also reworked Rell in this update as well. However, her mini-rework was so underwhelming that they later gave her a hotfix buff immediately after the patch deployment.
But most of the overpowered champions were not nerfed in this update. Furthermore, many champions who lost their item in the mid-season update were still struggling. So Riot would be making major balance adjustments in the upcoming major patch.
RiotPhroxzon recently revealed all the upcoming changes coming to patch 13.12. they announced that Ashe, Gangplank, Kai’Sa, Nasus, Orianna, Ryze, Sivir, and Viktor would receive significant buffs in the upcoming patch 13.12.
Read more: League of Legends Patch 13.12 Notes.
Patch 13.12 Buffs
Ashe Buffs
- Q bonus damage increased from 115 to 120 percent.
- W base damage increased from 10-70 to 20-80.
- R ability power ratio increased from 100 to 120 percent.
While the itemization change was primarily directed toward ADC champions, many became weak. One of these champions is Ashe. Before the update, Ashe could utilize both Galeforce and Kraken Slayer efficiently. But after the release of the new items, many people want to try them out on their favourite ADC. However, Ashe can’t utilize any of them properly. The only viable build on her is with Galeforce; however, that item received a significant nerf not too long ago. Because of it, she will receive a massive buff in the upcoming patch.
Gangplank Buffs
- E recharge timer changed from 18 seconds to 18-14 seconds.
With the lethality and crit item changes, players thought they could make Gangplank more powerful. But like Ashe, Gangplank also lost his main item, Prowler’s Claw. Because of it, he cannot wreak havoc in the top lane, as he was able to do previously. However, as Gangplank is one of the worst top laner in terms of win rate (48.64%), he will receive a buff in patch 13.12.
Kai’Sa Buffs
- Attack damage per level increased from two to 2.6.
When the mid-season patch came out, most of the ADC was not strong because of a particular Mythic. Instead, all of these champions were overpowered due to Stormrazor. Unfortunately, that item was nerfed in patch 13.11. Thus many champions who were dependent on the item started to lose miserably. And Kai’Sa was one of the champions who was negatively impacted cause of the update.
Most players didn’t think Kai’Sa’s win rate would fall off as she could still properly use Guinsoo’s Rageblade. However, due to the nerf, her win rate became abysmally low. Compared to her pick rate, which is 11.6, her win rate is a pitiful 47.71%. Because of it, Kai’Sa will be receiving a buff in patch 13.12.
Nasus Buffs
- Passive lifesteal increased from 9-19 to 11-21 percent.
- R cooldown changed from 120 to 120-80.
Nasus is one of the champions who performs really well in low-elo while being one of the worst in the high-elo. To put salt to the injury, all the current meta top-laners can easily counter him. As the current top lane meta prioritizes counter-picking, Nasus can’t compete. Due to it, Riot will give him some much-needed buffs very soon.
Orianna Buffs
- R ability power ratio increased from 90 to 95 percent
- Base damage increased from 250-450 to 250-550.
After the buffs in patch 13.4, Orianna became a serious competitor. Moreover, in the MSI 2023 event, she had a very good pick rate. Additionally, even with the mid-season patch, all the mages who utilized Lost Chapter greatly boosted both pick and win rates. Even with all that said, Orianna is one of the more underwhelming burst mages. While not bad in any way compared to the champions in this list, it’s still nothing to boast about. So we can expect Riot to give her a slight buff to increase her viability.
Ryze Buffs
- Passive ability power ratio increased from six to 10 percent.
- E ability power ratio increased from 45 to 50 percent, missile speed increased from 3,500 to 4,000.
Well, Ryze has again become a champion with one of the worst win rates. However, his win rate isn’t the lowest this time. As stated before, in terms of mages, this meta heavily favors those who could utilize Lost Chapter properly. And for that reason, Ryze will be receiving a slight buff.
Sivir Buffs
- Attack damage per level reduced from 2.8 to 2.5.
- W attack damage ratio increased from 25-45 to 30-50 percent.
Likewise to Kai’Sa, Sivir also suffered from the nerf to Stormrazor. On top of that, meta ADC like Kog’Maw can easily counter her in the game’s current state. Because of it, she will receive a slight buff in patch 13.12.
Viktor Buffs
Viktor is the only champion on the list who is doing well in the meta. The reason is mainly due to Lost Chapter being overpowered. But he will still receive some buffs in patch 13.12.
Release Date
These buffs will hit live servers on patch 13.12, scheduled to release on Wednesday, June 14, 2023.