Riot is looking to Buff a bunch of champions in Patch 13.19.
The Worlds patch has traditionally been on the smaller side. Usually, Riot does most of the bigger and meta-defining changes a few patches before the Worlds patch. But for the Worlds 2023 patch, we are getting more changes than usual.
Firstly, we have a huge amount of champion buffs for Patch 13.19. Prominent champions like Lee Sin, Lissandra, and Pyke are getting buffs. Some unexpected champions like Ziggs, Twitch, Jhin, and Galio are getting buffed as well. Also, Randuin’s Omen and Seeker’s Armguard are getting some slight buffs.
As for the nerfs, Renekton, Rek’Sai and the queen of nerfs, AKA Zeri, are getting nerfed again. In addition, we have a new skin line coming in this patch called La Ilusión.
Read More: League of Legends Patch 13.19 Notes: New Changes, Release Date, and More
Patch 13.19 Buffs
Here are all the buffs coming in Patch 13.19,
Champion Buffs
- R – Hero’s Endurance:
- Cooldown: 200/180/160 seconds >>> 180/160/140 seconds.
The champion has been struggling for a long time. Even against mid-range mages, an archetype he was supposed to counter, he struggles against. So, it’s about time Galio got some buffs.
- R – Cannon Barrage:
- Cooldown: 180/160/140 seconds >>> 170/150/130 seconds.
- Death’s Daughter:
- Slow: 60% for 1 second >>> 75% for 1 second.
- Raise Morale:
- Movement Speed: 30% for 2 seconds >>> 40% for 2 seconds.
Gangplank seems to be on the weaker side, according to Riot. Thus, he is getting some slight buffs.
- R – Curtain Call:
- Damage: 50/125/200 (+ 25% total AD) >>> 64/154/244 (+ 25% total AD).
Jhin’s early game and laning phase seems to be in a good spot, according to Riot. But he is struggling somewhat when it comes to late game. So Riot wants to add more power to his late game without affecting his laning phase.
Lee Sin
- Base Stats:
- Armor: 34 >>> 36.
- W – Iron Will:
- Omnivamp: 5/10.5/16/21.5/27% >>> 10/14/18/22/26%.
It seems Riot may have over-nerfed him in Patch 13.17. So, Riot is reverting the changes and giving him some extra power in preparation for Worlds 2023.
- W – Ring of Frost:
- Root Duration: 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 seconds >>> 1.25/1.35/1.45/1.55/1.65 seconds.
Lissandra’s W – Ring of Frost is getting a slight buff to its Root duration.
Nunu & Willump
- E – Snowball Barrage:
- Magic Damage Per Hit: 16/24/32/40/48 (+ 10% AP) >>> 16/24/32/40/48 (+ 15% AP).
- Maximum Total Magic Damage: 144/216/288/360/432 (+ 90% AP) >>> 144/216/288/360/432 (+ 135% AP).
Nunu & Willump will get some AP-focused buffs in this patch.
- Base Stats:
- Health Growth: 104 Health per level >>> 110 Health per level.
- W – Ghostwater Dive:
- Cooldown: 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds >>> 12/11/10/9/8 seconds.
Pyke buffs right before Worlds? Isn’t that a surprise? Jokes aside, he has been underperforming quite a bit. So Riot is buffing him just enough not to make him overly frustrating to play against.
- Q – Dark Sphere:
- Damage: 70/105/140/175/210 >>> 75/110/145/180/215.
Syndra’s Q – Dark Sphere is getting a slight damage increase.
- R – Spray and Pray:
- Missile Speed: 4000 >>> 5000.
The Twitch buffs are sort of surprising, as he has been performing decently in Solo-Queue. But it seems Riot wants to spice up the Worlds meta with these Twitch buffs.
System Buffs
Randuin’s Omen
- Gold: 3000 >>> 2700.
Although an effective item, Randuin’s Omen has been underperforming compared to other tank items like Frozen Heart. So, Riot is buffing it a little to make it comparable to its contemporaries.
Seeker’s Armguard
- Armor: 15 >>> 20.
Seeker’s Armguard is getting its Armor increased by 5. Although not massive, the change should help Mages lane better against AD champions.
Release Date
The aforementioned buffs will arrive at the live servers in Patch 13.19, which will be released on Wednesday, September 27, 2023.
Patch 13.19 release time and server maintenance:
- NA: 3:00 AM PT
- EUW: 5:00 UK time
- EUNE: 3:00 CET