Briar Currently Has One of The Worst Day 1 Win Rates in League of Legends

Shadman Sabik Zaim
By Shadman Sabik Zaim
4 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

As it currently stands, Briar has had one of the worst day 1 win rates in League of Legends.

Riot has introduced a variety of champions in Season 13 of League of Legends thus far. In the past patches, we had the releases of the Ixtali Enchanter, Milio, and the Darkin Assassin, Naafiri. In Patch 13.18, we got the latest champion called Briar.

Previously regarded as the Hangry Jungler, Briar is a new kind of character released to League of Legends. Riot has confirmed her race as a Blood Golem, similar to that of vampires or creatures that feed on flesh and blood. Overall, she is the 2nd champion in the entire game that deals with blood.

So, with her abilities matching that identity, people were excited to try her out on the live servers. Turns out, she is not as strong as people thought. She still has plenty of strong points, but her day 1 win rate is disastrously low. Riot has confirmed that, and this has sparked a conversation on Reddit. Here is what we know about what the community thinks and whether the win rate means anything.

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Briar Day 1 Win Rate

This Reddit thread started a little while back after Riot Phreak said that Briar’s day 1 win rate is one of the worst in League of Legends. As of right now, LoLAnalytics has Briar’s win rate at around 36% at all ranks. It was worse in Emerald+ ELO, but it has risen to 33% now.

So the community has talked about Briar having many abilities where the champion loses control and such. It seems the community is not surprised about the win rate, as new champions tend to have lower win rates. Now the real question is, does it really mean anything?

Does The Low Win Rate Mean Anything?

To be honest, it does not mean a whole lot if you look at the factor that contributed to the lower percentage.

  1. New champions tend to have a relatively low win rate.
  2. Briar has too many uncontrollable abilities
  3. No base Health Regeneration

All three points above are the reasons why Briar is suffering from a low win rate. Historically, all champions have had lower win rates because it takes a bit of time for players to learn how to pilot the champion.

Next, we have Briar’s kit, which consists of a lot of uncontrollable abilities. So, it is all about proper timing and good target selection in order to target the right enemy. Lastly, we have no base Health Regeneration on Briar, as Riot deemed that to be necessary.

Thus, Briar players have little room for error for points 1 and 2. So, the win rate is considerably lower than what is expected. Overall, the win rate numbers should fix itself over time as people get more familiar with the champion.

Briar was not expected to be that high in win rate as she is a complex champion. Also, high early win rates signal that the champion is too OP. Although it’s still too early to comment about balance, she is still way down in the win rates column. We will have to see how the champion performs in the next week or so.

By Shadman Sabik Zaim Deputy Editor
Shadman is a Deputy Editor of League of Legends and other Riot IPs (excluding VALORANT) at GameRiv. He is a computer science and engineering graduate who got into games pretty early. Also, he takes pride in trying multiple types of games and got into League of Legends pretty early. Games, Board Games, Writing, Music, and Sports are his passions and hobbies.