Apex Legends Streamer iiTzTimmy Climbed from Bronze to Masters in Single Stream

Nafiu Aziz
By Nafiu Aziz
2 Min Read
Image Credit: iiTzTimmy

Pro Apex Legends streamer “iiTzTimmy” created a new record by climbing all the way from Bronze to Masters in a single stream that lasted around 33 hours.

While most players struggle to get into Masters, iiTzTimmy made history by climbing to Masters from Bronze in one sitting. Throughout the whole process, many viewers tuned into his stream on Twitch to see it live.

At one point, the viewer count went through the roof at around 54k. And they all tuned in to witness the record in real-time. The whole stream lasted for around 33 hours. iiTzTimmy streamed for 33 hours straight to create this impossible record.

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Bronze to Masters in One Go

Following his last record, where he dealt more than 9k damage in one match, many thought it would be impossible to reach Masters from Bronze in a single continuous stream. But it seems like iiTzTimmy proved everyone wrong in this case and created another record in the process.

Although the record wasn’t made without any hiccups, stream snipers and other factors like fatigue were making it really difficult. Even iiTzTimmy was unsure of himself at times. However, the viewers and fellow content creators in the Apex Legends community rallied behind iiTzTimmy until he actually succeeded.

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He went absolutely ballistic at the end and bulldozed his way through the diamond lobbies to reach the rank of Masters in Apex Legends, all within a single stream.

Nafiu Aziz is an avid gamer and a writer at GameRiv, covering Apex Legends, CS:GO, VALORANT, and plenty of other popular FPS titles in between. He scours the internet daily to get the latest scoop in esports.