In the original patch note for Apex Legends’ new collection event called ‘Fight Night,’ Respawn revealed that they were going to give Caustic another set of buffs.
According to the original patch, Caustic still had a long way to go regarding power. And Respawn, at that time, felt like Caustic needed to be more potent. In order to make sure Caustic could reach his full potential, Respawn reduced the cooldown for his NOX gas from 25 seconds to 20 seconds.
After many complaints from the community and taking another look at all the data, Respawn later decided to roll back the buff as it turns out the current pick rate and win rate of Caustic in all levels of competition are rising in unison.
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Caustic Buff Reverted
It turns out that this buff for Caustic was made before the holiday break when Caustic players were still not the top dogs in the lobby. Since then, a lot has changed with his pick-and-win rate. After taking a second look at all the relevant metrics alongside feedback from the community itself, Respawn decided Caustic might not need this buff anymore.
Since Caustic players have been completely annihilating players over the past few weeks, the news definitely brought a sigh of relief. Respawn will also be making some changes to the actual size of the ring to avoid Caustic Ultimate at the end zones.
If we combine two of these changes together, instead of getting a buff, Caustic actually received a partial nerf with these Ring-related updates.