Black Friday is almost upon us and Respawn has some sales in mind for Apex Legends players that every diehard fan needs to keep an eye on.
As it is a tradition at this point, Respawn offers the player base lucrative deals on cosmetic items such as character and weapon skins as well as special golden Apex packs for massive discounts every year.
For 2021, Respawn is also going to release some exclusive holiday-specific bundles that will offer good deals on exiting and new skins. Usually, these sales come in the form of specific bundles. Some bundles may contain golden Apex packs that guarantee at least one legendary item drop.
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Whereas, other bundles may just contain a character skin and a gun charm of the same theme. According to the data miners, Respawn has some good deals for players in the upcoming Black Friday sale.
Black Friday Sale 2021 & Price
Aligned Vectors
So far, we only got our hands on a Valkyrie skin called “Aligned Vector”. Leaks suggest this skin will be introduced as a Black Friday bundle on the Apex store.
Black Friday Skin Release Date:
The Black Friday bundle will arrive on the 26th of November, 2021.
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