To say that players are eagerly waiting for this Anniversary Collection Event to arrive in Apex Legends would be a huge understatement.
A pretty prominent data miner in Apex Legends first hinted towards this collection event back in January when the Fight Night event first dropped. The main goal of this anniversary update might be to give long-term Apex Legends players a chance to get an heirloom, according to the leaks.
Heirloom has the lowest drop rate of any cosmetic item in the game. And as a result, players hold their breath and pray every time they open an apex pack. If the leaks are correct, then this anniversary collection event won’t actually introduce any new heirlooms.
Instead, players will be able to earn two collection event packs, which might give them the chance to win an heirloom of their liking. This means players who have been waiting for the RNG gods to bless them with an heirloom can finally rest.
Read More: Apex Legends season 8: Wraith’s hitbox update has a major flaw
Anniversary Collection Event Release Date
Anniversary Collection Event Prize Track
Anniversary Collection Event Skins
ACE Mirage: “Red Carpet”
ACE Octane: “El Tigre”
ACE Wattson: “Rocket Scientist”
ACE Crypto “Awoken Fury”
ACE Revenant: “Blood Ritual”
ACE Bloodhound: “Hunter’s Moon”
ACE Gibraltar: “Golden God”
ACE Caustic: “Mad King”
ACE Bangalore: “Crimson Queen”
ACE Wraith: “Hellcat”
ACE Pathfinder: “Friendly Fire”
ACE Lifeline: “Hell Raiser”
ACE Loba: “Red Handed”
ACE Lifeline: “Hot Blooded”
ACE Wraith: “Wraith’s Wrath”
ACE Bangalore : “Fire with Fire”
ACE Mirage : “Lens Flare”
ACE Octane : “Burn Out”
The anniversary collection event skins are basically a recolor of the skins that were originally released with the Iron Crown event back in 2019.
Anniversary Collection Event Trackers/Badges
Wraith and Bangalore are stated to have event-exclusive trackers. Wraith players might have to complete all the event-related challenges. And Bangalore’s will be a login reward.