Apex Legends aftermarket collection event “Flashpoint”: all the event-related cosmetics, special offer bundles, price, release date

Nafiu Aziz
By Nafiu Aziz
2 Min Read
Image Credit: Respawn

Respawn just announced their new aftermarket collection event that also includes a new LTM(limited-time mode) called “Flashpoint” in Apex Legends.

Data miners have been hinting towards Flashpoint LTM for some time now. As always the aftermarket collection comes with some event-exclusive skins for some legends in the game. The aftermarket collection event will include 24 exclusive event-related cosmetics for players to further customize their favorite characters in Apex Legends.

Event-related cosmetics:

Octane after market collection skin:

Apex legends aftermarket collection octane skin
Image via Respawn

Caustic after market collection skin:

Apex legends aftermarket collection Caustic skin
Image via Respawn

Wraith after market collection skin:

Apex legends aftermarket collection Wraith skin
Image via Respawn

Special offer bundles:

Additionally, Respawn will also be offering some special offer bundles via their Apex store. These offers will include more cool skins paired with some extra Apex packs to make the bundle look overall more attractive to the players.

Special offer bundles Apex Legends aftermarket collection event
Image via Respawn
Apex legends aftermarket collection cosmetics
Image via Respawn
Special offer bundles Apex Legends aftermarket collection event
Image via Respawn
aftermarket collection event
Image via Respawn

Aftermarket collection event price:

Just like every other collection event, these event exclusive skin will only be available via event-exclusive Apex packs. And the price of these exclusive event packs will be around 700 Apex coins.

aftermarket collection event
Image via Respawn

Aftermarket collection event release date:

The aftermarket collection event will be arriving on October 6th on all the platforms simultaneously. Players can expect to get the Caustic heirloom at the same time with the new after market collection event.

Nafiu Aziz is an avid gamer and a writer at GameRiv, covering Apex Legends, CS:GO, VALORANT, and plenty of other popular FPS titles in between. He scours the internet daily to get the latest scoop in esports.