If you have ever tried to multitask while playing Apex Legends, you might have encountered this problem plaguing the game since day one.
With all the UI and contextual improvement that Respawn brought to the FPS battle royale genre, there’s still no feature to select two extra Legends as a backup if your main gets taken away.
Apex fan LetKhanX came up with a color-coordinated concept for choosing two extra Legends in case yours gets chosen first. This would really be a big quality-of-life improvement for Apex Legends.
A game such as Apex, which is defined by its ease of use with its contextual pinging system, couldn’t figure this out and really baffled many fans. This is really an easy fix. People tend to “alt+tab” or sometimes don’t stare into the screens during character selection time.
Many times, your main gets taken away from you, and you get a random Legend whom you might not have that much experience with. This creates an undesirable situation that can be an easy fix for Respawn.
Just like they implemented a favorite skin selection system with the previous updates, if this concept ever receives the attention it needs from Respawn, it would save so much accidental Legend selection.
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