One really dedicated Apex Legends fan recreated the sound effects of the game using only his real voice.
Even though his rendition was only created as a parody, the end result actually impressed a Respawn dev. Sound plays a major role in any battle royale game, as sound cues let you prepare for those inevitable third parties.
While footstep sounds or lack thereof have been a central pain point among Apex players, the overall sound design and effects are mostly top-notch. This fan-created all those intricate reload and legend voice lines, as well as weapon firing sounds, using only his real voice.
His recreation was so good that one of the devs at Respawn praised him for his unconventional talent. From the reloading sounds of the 30-30 Repeater to Mirage’s voice lines, the whole thing really came to life, mainly due to his overall playful nature.
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Dev responded
Doing a voice-over of a gameplay clip isn’t inherently a new idea, but this was a wonderful example of how to do it right. And Reddit user u/J3llyman__7 definitely hit this one out of the park.
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Apex Legends fans are really dedicated, and they show off their love for the game via these kinds of weird fan-made videos. Recently, one fan even created a whole new CGI short featuring Bloodhound using Unreal Engine. Later, another fan did the exact same thing with Pathfinder. Apex fans are definitely one of the more dedicated communities out there right now.