According to TSM_Albralelie NRG_aceu is the best Apex Legends player

Nafiu Aziz
By Nafiu Aziz
2 Min Read

Note: You are reading an article from 2020.

Apex Legends has some of the most mechanically gifted players in Esports. Some of them do stand out a little bit more than others.

TSM_Albralelie is part of the greatest Apex Legends Roster with names like Imperialhal and Reps. They own almost all the big Apex Legends tournaments back to back. They were the champion of the Apex Legends pre-seasonal tournament. While on his stream, a follower asked Albralelie on who he thought was the best Apex Legends player. He mentioned that NRG_aceu is the best Apex Legends player in the world in 2020.

He even added that aceu is one of the view players he gets nervous about playing against in scrims. He also added that aceu has the most impressive individual skills among other players that he played with. Aceu is undoubtedly an outstanding Apex Legends player—no doubt about that. ACEU’s movement in Apex Legends is actually nuts.

Another follower in the chat asked which team he thinks might stand in their way from winning all the again in APEX LEGENDS GLOBAL SERIES. He replied that LG’s roaster was really good. And he thinks that LG is their main competition from the EU. LG previously signed the roster from team 789.

APEX LEGENDS GLOBAL SERIES is going to be one hell of a ride. Players from all over the world are going to take place in it. Only one team will take home the prize money of $3 million.

Nafiu Aziz is an avid gamer and a writer at GameRiv, covering Apex Legends, CS:GO, VALORANT, and plenty of other popular FPS titles in between. He scours the internet daily to get the latest scoop in esports.