How to Get Veiled Crystals: Diablo 4

Abu Bakar Karim
By Abu Bakar Karim
4 Min Read
How to Get Veiled Crystals: Diablo 4

You might want to know how you can highlight all interactable in Diablo 4 in case you miss any important items on your journey.

In the realm of Diablo 4, players are glad that the same old loot system remains true to the franchise’s tradition. What was the tradition, you might ask. Well, it goes a long way. Players have been provided with a vast array of items to collect and bag up for their character’s optimal build. And among these countless loot drops, you will come across gears that need to be upgraded at your local blacksmith. And here comes the Veiled Crystal

Veiled Crystals are a type of raw material that is used for enhancing your gears in Diablo 4. Moreover, you can upgrade your armor and even create powerful Sigils. And as the name can give you an assumption that their availability is quite limited. With that being said, using carelessly can lead to a great depression. So you need to utilize them wisely.

Even after being a valuable material, you can still search for some places to trade off your items in exchange for some Veiled Crystals. And this guide will show you de way. Hop in!

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How to Get Veiled Crystals in Diablo 4

Veiled Crystals in Diablo 4
Credit: rodwenn (yt)

You can get Veiled Crystal by salvaging rare equipment at the blacksmith. The more you salvage rare items, the more it will yield Veiled Crystals. Moreover, Legendary Gear pieces can also provide you with these crystals. With that being said, prioritize salvaging rare items before delving into legendary gear.

Now, as your character progresses and reaches higher levels, you will suddenly notice that the frequency of these rare gears through regular drops from enemies or chests becomes more and more common. Furthermore, by playing on a higher World Tier, such as the Veteran Tier, you can already guess how much you can bag these gears. With that being said, most of the encounters around level 30 often yield a vast amount of these items.

Now that you have collected a significant amount of these items head to the blacksmith for the final step. Exchange and get Veiled Crystals. So the strategy is to maximize your chances of getting Veiled Crystals by dispatching a hoard of foes. The more foes you slay, the higher the chances get. 

How to Use Veiled Crystals

Veiled crystals are essential for upgrading weapons, armor, and jewelry to higher tiers, as already mentioned. Once you level up an item to its third, fourth, and fifth upgrade, that is the point where Veiled Crystals come into play. You can upgrade your weapons and armor upgrades at the blacksmith and jewelry at the jeweler.

Furthermore, Veiled Crystals also have quite some significance when imprinting Legendary Aspects or enchanting items at your local Occultist. A small imprint alters the legendary power of an item or imbues a Rare item with a legendary power, greatly enhancing its capabilities; you already know this. Now, Enchanting, on the other hand, enables the reshuffling of a gear’s stat for an alternative attribute. Whatever you do, at the end of the day, you will be needing quite a handful of Veiled Crystals.

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By Abu Bakar Karim Deputy Guide Editor
AB Karim is the Deputy Editor of the Guide section at GameRiv. With an insatiable love for RPGs and a knack for puns, AB combines his passion for gaming with a professional touch. He has to polish every word with precision; otherwise, he will keep losing health bar. Keep that aside for now, and let's embark on epic quests and unravel mysteries with AB as your trusted guide. Prosst!