Just right after some data miners leaked the abilities of “killjoy” who could be the next agent launched alongside ACT 2, many players in the VALORANT community shared their concern as the leak suggests this new agent’s abilities might kill their opponents.
Since the current ACT is going to end very soon, Riot is already started to tease the next agent in the game. And data miners are certain that it is going to be “killjoy“. Just recently one of the miners revealed all the possible abilities of “killjoy” and it suffices to say that the whole VALORANT community lost their mind.
Riot officially confirmed killjoy to be the next agent and she is coming to the game on August 4th.
- More Related: 100T Hiko thinks abilities of the upcoming leaked agent “Killjoy” goes against what Riot initially promised with VALORANT
Furthermore, players started to argue that Riot promised at the very beginning that VALORANT was going to be focused mainly around gunplay and abilities would only create more tactical opportunities. Earlier in the closed beta phase of the game Riot did double down on their claim that guns are going to be the most important thing in the game.

Even some of the pro VALORANT players like 100T Hiko shared their concern regarding this new agent. According to 100T Hiko, adding agent like Raze and “killjoy” whose abilities can deal heavy damage to their opponents and can even sometimes give easy kills lowers the skill ceiling of the game.
VALORANT’s character design lead addresses player’s concern:
Morello who is the character design lead for VALORANT just shared his thought regarding the leaked agent. “Abilities doing damage are about generating threat or pressure – killing is what happens when you can’t (getting checkmated by overwhelming odds) or won’t (fail to make the right decision) deal with the ability. Other case, we use these to create angle or area control“, Morello on Killjoy.
According to Morello, abilities that do damage are there for creating pressure and clearing corners. Furthermore, he claims that abilities are there for creating area control or creating angles. However, you will die by these abilities if you can’t make the right decision in time.
- More Related: First Look At New VALORANT Agent Killjoy Abilities
The new agent killjoy seems to be really polarising among the fan base. While some players think killjoy seems pretty fun, others don’t agree with the same statement and think Riot is contradicting themselves. Some players just want killjoy to come out in the actual game before judging by the leaks.