We finally have a glimpse into the next skin bundle in VALORANT called “RGX 2.0”.
Though VALORANT is a free-to-play tactical shooter, Riot Games have launched many great-looking skins for players to feel some varieties in the game. And VALORANT has launched a massive collection of weapon cosmetics along with different skin bundles with each new update.
With every new patch, Riot Games releases a new Skin Bundle every time, with Doodle Buds being the latest of them all which was released in the 4.07 patch. It seems like Riot Games is going to release many more in the upcoming patches.
As we have already seen an RGX 11Z Pro Bundle in the game, we can get a good idea of what the skins will look like. Like other 2.0 Bundles, the RGX 2.0 will also feature those weapon skins that their previous version lacked.
Read More: VALORANT Doodle Buds Skin Bundle: Price, Release Date, & More
RGX 2.0 First Look
RGX 2.0 will have a similar look to the original RGX 11Z Pro Bundle. As we have seen in the leak, the original RGX 2.0 Skins look like the base model of RGX 11Z Pro weapons, with lime green being the primary default color. So we can expect the variants to be the same as the original RGX 11Z Pro Bundle’s variations, which will be orange, red, and dark blue.

Available for:
- Phantom
- Operator
- Spectre
- Classic
- Melee
RGX 2.0 Phantom
RGX 2.0 Operator
RGX 2.0 Butterfly Melee
Playercards and Sprays:


RGX 2.0 Bundle Price:
As the original RGX 11Z Pro is an Exclusive Edition Tier Bundle, The RGX 2.0 will also follow the same.
Price per Skin – 2175VP
Price for Melee Skin- 4350VP
Price per Playercard – 375VP
Price per Spray – 325VP
Price for Gunbuddies- 475VP
Bundle Price – 8700VP
(Bundle will include 5 Skins, 1 Playercard, 2 Gunbuddies, and 1 Spray)
RGX 2.0 Bundle Release Date:
New skin bundles usually come out in parallel with VALORANT Patches, every two weeks. So, RGX 2.0 should come out in the next 4.08 patch which is set to go live on April 26, 2022.
Read More: Best Gun Buddies in VALORANT 2022