We finally have a glimpse into the next skin bundle in VALORANT called “Doodle Buds”.
Though VALORANT is a free-to-play tactical shooter, Riot Games have launched many great-looking skins for players to feel some varieties in the game. And VALORANT has launched a massive collection of weapon cosmetics along with different skin bundles with each new update.
With every new patch, Riot Games releases a new Skin Bundle every time with Endeavour being the latest of them all which was released in the 4.05 patch. It seems like Riot Games is gonna release many more in the upcoming patches.
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As the name suggests, the upcoming Doodle Buds collection will be a cartoon or comic-based skin bundle based on League of Legends Characters, VALORANT Agents, and Tactifriends. This new skin bundle has weapons with cute doodles that give a joyful vibe at first look.
Doodle Buds First Look
There seem to be 5 weapons in the Doodle Buds bundle. These are Ares, Marshal, Phantom, Shorty, and Stinger. All the skins have a similar pattern, with White being the main color for all the weapons.

All these skins have three variants: The VALORANT Agents, League of Legends, and Tactifriends Variants.
Doodle Buds (VALORANT agent Variant):
The default one is the VALORANT Agent variant. It has VALORANT Agents’ doodles with red highlights all over the skins.
League Variant:
Another variant of these skins is the League variant consisting of League of Legends characters’ doodles. The league variant has purple accents all over the skins.
Tactifriends Variant:
The last one is the Tactifriends variant. This Variant has the Tactifriends’ doodle and lime-green highlights all over the skins.
Reactive Skin:
Not only do these skins have three different variants but these skins are also reactive in nature. This means with each kill, these skins come to live. The skin starts with black and white doodles from the start of the round, and with each kill the color of the characters starts popping up, and by killing 5 enemies, the skin becomes totally colorful which looks amazing.
Available for:
- Phantom
- Ares
- Marshal
- Shorty
- Stinger
Doodle Buds Playercards and Sprays:
The Playercards and Sprays look very similar to the weapon skins. There are three Playercards, the first one is made with Sprays, Playercards, and Easter Egg doodles, the second is made with Valorant Agent doodles, and the last one is made with League of Legend character doodles.
Doodle Buds Price:
Price per Skin – 1775VP
Price per Playercard – 375VP
Price per Spray – 325VP
Estimated Bundle Price – ~7100VP
(Bundle Includes 5 Skins, 3 Playercards, and 3 Sprays)
Doodle Buds Release Date:
Doodle Buds skin bundle will be available in the store from 13th April, and it will be available until 27th April 2022.
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