How To Upgrade Umbral Lamp: Lords of the Fallen

Samia Awal Moon
By Samia Awal Moon
4 Min Read
How to Upgrade the Umbral Lamp in Lords of the Fallen

Learn how to upgrade the Umbral Lamp in Lords of the Fallen.

Lords of the Fallen is another soul-like installment that confidently strikes into the video game scene with a reboot. The unsettling fantasy setting of the game is incredible to explore. There are some interesting characters and some exciting lore as you experience the story. The game also has a diverse and complex crafting system for weapons, and combat is comparatively smooth.

In this dark fantasy world, there are two realms. The living realm is Axion, and the realm of the dead is Umbral. You can swap to umbral using a magic lantern. This ability to maintain both worlds can grant you immortality in some situations.

Like any other role-playing game, you can craft many weapons, armor, shields, and healing items. But the interesting fact is you can even upgrade the Umbral Lamp to make it stronger. In this guide, you will learn how to upgrade the Umbral Lamp.

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Upgrading Umbral Lamp in Lords of the Fallen

To upgrade the umbral lamp, we need an Antediluvian Chisel. This might be quite tricky to find as it is a very rare component of the game.

Collect Antediluvian Chisel

First things first, you need to wrap up the Vestige of the Fen. Once you are in the fen, you will see an NPC spawn and need to talk to him. Once his dialogue is entirely exhausted, return to the sky. When you are in Skyrest, you will see another NPC, talk to him, and finish his dialogue as well. After completing the dialogue, he will give you a key. This key is very much needed for the next step.

Next, you need to wrap the windmill. After reaching the windmill, you will see a door with a bell and ice on top of that bell. Go to that door and unlock it, and here, you need to expect to run into some enemies and fight them. Fight your way to the gate, and then on the right side, you will find a little axe that can help build your strength up. Enter the cave, transfer to the Umbral world, and dash your way across to be able to avoid the monsters.

Next, go to the place where there is a resting point and rest there. Then, fight with the creatures and try to avoid the reaper. Move forward and find a door that’s covered by butterflies. Here, you need to fight two different types of bosses. You can take a friend to help you out here. One of the bosses will drop the Antediluvian Chisel. Take it and return to the point. Then, teleport back to the area of the skybridge.

Upgrade The Umbral Lamp

How to Upgrade the Umbral Lamp in Lords of the Fallen (1)
Credit: CI Games

In Skybridge, go back to the Umbral world. Go to the right-side stairs and enter the dark room, where you will find Molhu at the center. Talk to Molhu and proceed to upgrade the Umbral Lamp. Now, you have two sockets for your Umbral Lamp; you can socket an additional eyeball into the lamp.

Before heading back to your den, check out Locations of All Pilgrim’s Perch Keys, Skyrest Bridge Key Location, Radiance and Inferno Explained, and more.

By Samia Awal Moon Guide Writer
Samia Awal Moon is a Guide writer at GameRiv.