If you want to get the Leave No Stone Unturned trophy, you must find all 60 artifacts hidden within the game. Here’s how you can find all the collectible artifacts in Trek to Yomi.
Trek to Yomi is a modern-day side-scrolling Samurai action game directly inspired by Akira Kurosawa’s works. Players will be immersed in the Edo period Japan depicted in black-and-white. The game may be short, but it tells an incredible story of Hiroki’s revenge.
And despite not being an open-world game, Trek to Yomi will compel you to look around all the areas you visit throughout the course of the game. That’s because there are multiple lore-collectible artifacts along with health and stamina upgrades hidden within the world.
Read More: Trek to Yomi: How To Get All Health Upgrades
Moreover, the game will reward you with the Leave No Stone Unturned trophy and the Determined Collector trophy for finding all of them. In this guide, we have listed down all the artifacts you can collect from each chapter, along with where to find them.
Chapter 1 Artifact Locations
There are a total of 7 collectible artifacts for you to find in this chapter.
Tamaya Mirror

You can find this item soon after the fighting tutorial is over. Go back to the dojo and head to the back garden. Cross the wooden bridge and you’ll find the Tamaya mirror resting beside one of the pillars of the shed facing the pond.
Izanagi Print

Once you move the cart for the old man, head upstairs and go left to enter the next building. You’ll find the Izanagi Print sitting at a table in the diner.
Kai-Awase Shell

This artifact can be found pretty early on but can be easily missed. Once you reach the very first shrine in the game, instead of heading forward, turn left and interact with the shopkeeper. He will give the Kai-Awase Shell to Hiroki after speaking to him.
Sakura Bloom

The next artifact won’t be too far once you pass the shrine. Once you reach the barn on the outer edge of the village, keep heading right. Then head towards the north entrance and keep making your way to the left once the camera angle shifts. You’ll soon find the Sakura Bloom on a wooden table at the back of the barn.
Field Mouse Sculpture

This artifact is close to the second shrine in this chapter. Once you leave the barn and kill three enemies, keep heading forward and climb the hill. You’ll notice a wooden fence right before the shrine. You can enter it to find the Field Mouse Sculpture sitting on a table under the umbrella.

Once you pass the shrine, you’ll eventually encounter a ransacked village after having crossed a bridge. You’ll find a large house with a straw roof, and a wounded villager sitting right outside. Enter the building to collect your artifact.
Izanami Print

This artifact can be found near the very end of this chapter. Once you reach the outskirts of the village, cross the wooden bridge and enter the graveyard. Keep making your way towards the right while fighting off enemies. You’ll eventually reach a tombstone with the Inazami Print attached to it.
Chapter 2 Artifact Locations
There are a total of 6 collectible artifacts for you to find in Trek to Yomi’s second chapter.
Discarded Kami Carving

Once you fight off the shadow bandits, climb up the cliff and continue heading right until you find an abandoned shelter. You’ll hear bamboo windchimes as you get closer. You’ll find the Discarded Kami Carving next to a pile of hay.
Crude Tekko

When you enter the mines, you’ll come across a room with a broken bridge. However, there is a large wooden plank standing upright that you can knock down to form a bridge and get across. Once you reach the other side, you’ll find the Crude Tekko artifact sitting on top of a wooden barrel.
The Three Monkeys

Once you have made it out of the cave, cross the bridge by the waterfall and enter the Torii gate. Once you interact with the stone carving of the shrine, you’ll have acquired the Three Monkeys artifact.

After saving the villagers in the burning village, push away the cart to advance. Instead of taking the ladder to the right, head over to the pile of hay on the left to collect your EMA artifact.
Lost Love Letter

Once you cross the river, head left instead of advancing to the next area by crossing over the small boats. After crossing the shrine, head into the hut on the left to find a man grunting with pain. You’ll find the Lost Love Letter beside the injured man.
Mori Shio

Once you unlock the double-sided block and parry skill, kick down the barn door and head down the village path until you eventually reach a shrine. Then, instead of continuing forward, head towards the camera instead and collect your Mori Shio artifact placed on the stump.
Chapter 3 Artifact Locations
There are a total of 10 collectible artifacts for you to find in Trek to Yomi’s third chapter.
Swordsmith’s Hammer

You can find this artifact right towards the beginning of this chapter. You’ll find the Swordsmith’s Hammer next to a run-down hut on the main street of the village.

Once you pass the bridge and then through the large house, you’ll face multiple combat encounters. Kill the bandits and head into the room on the second floor. The Dove artifact can be found right as you enter the room.
Magatama Bead

After exiting the wheat barn much later in the chapter, enter the area where you seek cover from the arrows. As you make your way towards the burning houses, you’ll notice a man crying on the ground. You can find the Magatama Bead artifact right next to him.
Fujin Print

Head back down to the field you just crossed and walk towards the direction of the camera when you reach the junction. You’ll soon encounter a scared man by a shed, and you’ll find your Fujin Print artifact right behind him next to some hay.
Fishing Rod

Make your way down the hill all the way past the burning cart. Once you turn left and pass through the shrine’s Torii gate, you’ll soon encounter a woman with a spear. The fishing pole will be on the fence to your right. This artifact can be collected right before your fight with some horsemen.

After you defeat the men on the horse, head towards the village across the field. Before you enter the main entrance, head right by walking along the fence until you stumble upon an injured man. The collectible will be right there.
Bronze Mirror

This collectible can be found not too long after the Ugajin artifact. Once you enter the village from chapter 1, fight the enemies and climb up on the ledge. From there, pass the house which has been completely burnt down, and you’ll find the artifact next to a broken cart.

Once you have a face-off with the spear-wielding enemy, head into the building behind him and keep advancing rightward. You’ll eventually come across a room where the collectible is placed next to a lamp.
Moon Flask

This artifact can be found much later in the chapter after you’ve fought off a few bandits on a rooftop. After defeating them, keep climbing the hill until you ascend all the way to the top and turn right from there. You’ll find the moon flask artifact next to a firepit.
Rice Bowl

This is the last collectible from chapter 3 of Trek to Yomi and can be found near the end of the chapter. The warehouse you encounter in chapter 1 will now be in flames. Pass the warehouse and head northwest. You’ll find the Rice Bowl next to a cart on fire.
Chapter 4 Artifact Locations
There are a total of 10 collectible artifacts for you to find in Trek to Yomi’s fourth chapter.

As you pass through the jungle in chapter 4 you will come across large cages once you cross the broken bridge. You’ll find the Onyudo artifact placed on a bench right next to the large cage facing the nearby village.

This artifact can be found soon after collecting the first one from this chapter. Once you head into the village, you’ll come across an NPC burning bodies on a large pyre. Head into the house northwest of the pyre and collect your Noppera-Bo artifact that’s sitting on top of a wooden box.

You’ll find this artifact once you come across the first shrine from this chapter. Enter the Torii gate and head west of the shrine to climb the stairs of the shelter. You’ll find the Otoroshi artifact placed on top of a crate.

Once you defeat the burning enemy, pass the shrine and enter the barn. You’ll find the Hitotsume-Kozo artifact on a crate next to the ladder.

You will be given two paths to choose from once you have made it outside and climbed up a cliff. Take the path to your right and push down the tree to create a bridge between two ledges. Cross it and collect your artifact.

After crossing the bridge past the shrine, fight off the samurai and continue heading west. Once the screen changes to the next area, head up the stairs and go near the dead body by the bonfire. You’ll find your Uwan artifact next to it.

Enter the house with the lanterns burning out front, go to a lower floor and get out through the right exit. After coming across the bridge, head in the opposite direction instead of going rightward. You’ll soon find the Nuppeppo artifact on a pole next to the cage.

You can acquire this artifact after defeating Morimitsu. Once you find the shrine, walk towards the screen until you see a ladder. Climb the ladder of the house standing on the swampy marshland, and collect the Inugami artifact which is placed right by the entrance.

You will come across a collapsed bridge by the tower once you reach the end of the chapter. After crossing it, keep heading toward your right and climb up the broken wooden walkway. There you’ll find your Ushi-Oni artifact on a crate behind the NPC.

This is the final artifact from this chapter. When you continue making your way toward the small village, you’ll have to knock over a tree to make a bridge you can cross over. After crossing, you’ll see a broken cage before a wooden bridge, and the artifact will be right next to a crate beside the cage.
Chapter 5 Artifact Locations
There are a total of 8 collectible artifacts for you to find in Trek to Yomi’s fifth chapter.
Great Thunder

This artifact is pretty hard to miss as you can collect it right at the beginning of chapter 5 once you descend down the hill that leads to Yomi.
Cleaving Thunder

You can acquire the Cleaving Thunder artifact after defeating the first ghost from this chapter. After exiting the hall, you’ll tread past an L-shaped hall that will take you to the next area. However, before going there, you will want to take a left to head into the area right next to the door you initially came from. Keep walking south and you’ll find the artifact on top of a small box.
Earth Thunder

You can find this artifact shortly after you solve the second puzzle from this chapter. When treading through the run-down village, you will have to cross a large set of stairs, where you’ll have another battle encounter. The artifact will be on a crate by the stairs.
Black Thunder

You will have to go through multiple combat encounters before you can reach this artifact. Once you clear the blockade and enter the dojo, you’ll have to face a combat encounter. Then you’ll have to keep heading right into the next room with a statue, where you’ll have another face-off. After that, when you reach the room with a giant urn-like structure, you’ll notice the Black Thunder artifact is placed in the center of the room.
Couchant Thunder

You’ll enter a large shrine with multiple statues later in the chapter. Instead of taking the stairs to your left, head right until you reach the second last brazier. You’ll find the couchant thunder artifact right next to its base.
Roaring Thunder

After defeating the older boss from previous chapters in the dojo, head into the next area with the large door with two pillars. Instead of entering through the door, turn left of the pillar, and you’ll find your Roaring Thunder artifact on a crate.
Young Thunder

Once you complete the symbol puzzle, raise the ground by activating the switch by standing on the center of the platform. Instead of making your way into the tower, head right to the stairs and collect your artifact from the ground.
Fire Thunder and Raijin

You will be able to collect the Fire Thunder and Raijin artifacts together much later in the chapter. Before climbing the stairs of the tower, go to the left corner of the stairs and collect your artifacts.
Chapter 6 Artifact Locations
There are a total of 10 collectible artifacts for you to find in Trek to Yomi’s sixth chapter.

You can get the Yutsu-Tsuma-Gushi artifact at the very beginning of the chapter. Just head into the shrine and you’ll find the artifact on a small crate next to the wall carvings.

You can find this next artifact slightly later in the chapter after you’ve teleported for the second time. Once you complete the puzzle and find the large door open, instead of going inside, climb up the ledge on the side. You’ll find your artifact near a statue surrounded by skulls and candles.
Ebikazura Grapes

Once you go through the Torii gate portal, you’ll find yourself in a combat encounter with multiple archers. You’ll eventually reach a rest area with a shrine. The Ebikazura Grapes artifact will be sitting on a pile of large rocks right before the shrine.
Thunder Drum

Once you complete the combat encounter near the skull of a giant snake, enter the nearest building and climb the ladder inside. Once you get on top of the beams, start making your way through the center of the room where you’ll find the thunder drum artifact.

When you are further into the chapter, you’ll go through a teleportation obelisk on top of a staircase. You will find the Ookamuduminomikoto by a tree once you pass the combat encounter.

Once you use the next teleportation obelisk to the island, go through a combat encounter and defeat the enemies. You’ll then have to cross the wooden bridge to your south to collect your Totsuka-No-Tsurugi artifact from a box next to a tree.
Naginata Tip

When you teleport to the burning village, complete the combat encounter and keep heading right until you find the burning bridge. Before you progress any further, look around the crates and you’ll find your Naginata Tip artifact.
Tainted Clothing

You’ll find this artifact near the teleportation obelisk on the dock. Instead of teleporting, head to the rightmost corner of the dock to collect the Tainted Clothing artifact.
Yomotsu Hirasaka

When you use the teleporter from the dock, you’ll end up in front of a shrine. Head south of the shrine, and you’ll find the Yomotsu Hirasaka artifact right near the ledge.

This is the last collectible from the chapter and can be found at the very end. Once you see the bright light coming from the large Torii gate, instead of passing through, take a turn to your left and collect the Onusa artifact that’s hidden under a barrel cart.
Chapter 7 Artifact Locations
There are a total of 9 collectible artifacts for you to find in Trek to Yomi’s seventh and final chapter.
Matching Kai-Awase Shell

This artifact can be acquired at the beginning of the chapter once you make your return home from Yomi. Simply head right and you’ll stumble upon this artifact right next to some carts.
Hiogi Remnant

After collecting the first artifact from this chapter, continue heading forward and enter the building where you collected the Izanagi Print in the first chapter. You’ll find the Hiogi Remnant artifact next to a dead body right as you go up the stairs.
Kiseru Remnant

When you exit the building you collected the Hiogi Remnant from, you’ll find two injured people besides some rubble by the stairs. You can collect your artifact beside them.
Death Warrant

Once you fall through the roof and drop down to the ground, make your way to the right until you find a shrine. You can access a back alley beside the shrine, where you’ll find the Death Warrant artifact.
Omoikane Mask

You can get this artifact soon after defeating the general. Head to the next building after your fight, and you’ll find the Omoikane Mask sitting on top of a shelf in the very first room.

Once you’ve progressed farther into the chapter, you’ll reach an area that’s been completely blocked by rubbles from an explosion. You’ll have to defeat a bunch of enemies in a house and squeeze past the rubble to enter the next building. You’ll find the Tsurugi artifact right on top of a table there.
Kanke Koshu

You’ll find the Kanke Koshu artifact right after collecting the previous one. Simply head northwest of the table you collected Tsurugi from and you’ll enter a storage room. Head left until you reach the end of the room and you’ll be able to collect the Kanke Koshu artifact from the top of a sealed jar.

When you complete the timed quest where you have to escape the building before it explodes, you’ll eventually find yourself at a dock by the river. Instead of going forward the main route, head under the bridge and towards the stream. You’ll find your Kagami artifact by some rocks by a dam.
Sake Cup

This is the last artifact you’ll find in the final chapter of Trek to Yomi, which can be collected right before your final battle. Before heading to the stairs of the dojo, you’ll find the Sake cup by some crates.
This concludes all the 60 artifacts you can find in Trek to Yomi. Trek to Yomi is currently available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.
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