TFT Mythic and Crystals Rotating Shop (Patch 14.18)

Ali Ahmed Akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib
4 Min Read

Everything you need to know about TFT’s Mythic and Crystals Rotating Shop.

One of the biggest complaints from the TFT community was that there were no options for the players to get back their favorite old Chibis if they were gone from the store. Seems like Riot has finally listened to the feedback. And like League of Legends Mythic Shop, Riot Games has also introduced the Rotating Shop to TFT. In TFT, the Rotation Shop is divided into two sections: Mythic and Seasonal.

Unlike League’s, TFT’s Rotating Shop uses two different currencies, Realm Crystals and Mythic Medallions.

Mythic Medallions can only be used in the Mythic Rotating Shop, which players can only earn through the Treasure Realms. As per Riot, “Mythic Medallions drop at least once each 50 Treasure Realm pulls.” More can be earned through milestone rewards. For example, based on the client if you open 20 Treasure Realms, you are guaranteed to get 1 Mythic Medallion and if you open 60, you will get 2. Some are also available for redeem after opening a certain number of Treasure Realm pulls.

Realm Crystals on the other hand can be earned from Events, Treasure Realm, and both the free & paid Pass.

Update, September 12, 2024: Added TFT patch 14.18 Rotating Shop items.

TFT Mythic Rotating Shop

TFT Mythic Rotating Shop items usually last for a few patches, and you will be able to see the live deadline from the client.

Getting a Mythic Chibi from the Treasure Realms is pure luck, more like gacha. You will have a 1% to 0.3% chance of getting that. But if you open significant numbers of Treasure Realms you will eventually have enough Mythic Medallions to directly buy items from the Mythic Rotating Shop.

Here is a list of all the items currently available in TFT patch 14.18 Mythic Rotating Shop.

Note: All the items just dropped in the Shop, and most of them will stay for 5-3 weeks.

Chibi Battle Academia Katarina10 Mythic Medallions
Chibi Dragonmancer Lee Sin10 Mythic Medallions
Chibi Star Guardian Lulu10 Mythic Medallions
Blood Moon Night Parade (Arena)10 Mythic Medallions
Battle Academia Death Lotus (Boom)2 Mythic Medallions
Star Guardian Glitterlance (Boom)2 Mythic Medallions
TFT Mythic Rotating Shop
TFT Mythic Rotating Shop

TFT Seasonal Rotating Shop

Seasonal Rotating Shop is where you can get tons of new items to choose from. Here’s everything available in Battle Academia Seasonal Rotating.

I have screenshotted all the seasonal items from patch 14.18. All the items will stay in the store for two weeks.

TFT Seasonal Rotating Shop
TFT Seasonal Rotating Shop
TFT Seasonal Rotating Shop
TFT Seasonal Rotating Shop
TFT Seasonal Rotating Shop

Upcoming TFT Rotating Shop

Following the TFT patch 14.18 rotation, all the items Riot previously announced have been rotated in the Rotating Shop. Currently, there are no leaks or official announcements about the skins that will be available in patch 14.19 or future patches. Keep an eye on our site; we will update the article with new information when available.

ali ahmed akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib Editor-in-chief
Ali Ahmed Akib is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-chief of GameRiv. Akib grew up playing MOBA titles, especially League of Legends and is currently managing the editorial team of GameRiv.