Starfield has some special power-ups for the players to get. Here, we will discuss how you can use this space magic in the game.
Starfield is the latest Bethesda RPG in quite some time. This time around, the players are given an infinite galaxy to explore. From the very first mission of the game, you will be given a spaceship capable of going anywhere in the universe. And now you can explore any planet you want and go anywhere within the infinite galaxies that the game gives you.
But being a space explorer is not the only thing the game has to offer. The game has a main story where you research a mysterious artifact. In search of the artifact and its mysteries, you will have to explore many different planets in different solar systems. One of the locations you will visit during one of the main quests is an old temple.
The temple is the key to getting your first space magic power in the game. After unlocking the first temple and your first power, you will be able to find the others as you explore different planets. Each temple will add a new power to the list for the players to use. Here, we will discuss how you can use these powers in Starfield.
Using Space Magic in Starfield
Space Magic is unlocked fairly early in the game. After a couple of main story quests, you will find yourself in a temple. Exploring the area will give you access to the power menu and a new power. After that, you will be able to go around and find more of the temples to get more powers. There are 24 total temples, each offering a different power.
To use the space magic power, you need to go to the power menu and select the power you want to use. After you have selected the power, you will see a blue bar under your health, which indicates the amount of charge for your power. Each time you use the power, it will be drained. Now that you have the power, you can press the Z button on your keyboard to use it.
You can change the power on the fly by adding them to the quick slot options. From there, just like the weapons, the powers can be swapped out, too, without accessing its own menu.