Starfield: How To Install ComSpike & Conduction Grid Module

Abu Taher TamimMuhibul Alam Chowdhury
By Abu Taher Tamim Muhibul Alam Chowdhury
3 Min Read
Credit: Bethesda Game Studios

Boost your ship’s functionality with the ComSpike Module and the Conduction Grid Module.

Optimizing your ship’s capabilities is a continuous process in Starfield and adding specialized modules provide key advantages during your space travels. Two modules that are particularly useful are the ComSpike Module and the Conduction Grid Module. Both these items enhance important functions.

Read More: Starfield: How to Rename Your Ship

The ComSpike Module allows you to boost communications while in space, giving you new options like broadcasting on different frequencies and tapping into secured channels.

The Conduction Grid gives your ship an edge in combat. It optimizes energy distribution to weapon systems, increasing their damage and overall effectiveness.

As you progress through the Eye of the Storm mission in Starfield, you will need to install a ComSpike Module and a Conduction Grid on your ship. To do this, you’ll need to spend a bit of time in the Ship Builder.

With the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll have these modules installed in no time.

How To Install ComSpike and the Conduction Grid Module

To start, head to the ship service room after speaking with Delgado to advance the mission. Locate and speak with the technician Jasmine Durand, following the quest marker.

Credit: Bethesda Game Studios

Select the dialogue option “Mind helping me with my ship?” followed by “I’d like to view and modify my ships.” This will open the Ship Builder menu.

Credit: Bethesda Game studios
  • Next, select “Ship Builder.”
Credit: Bethesda Game studios
  • Press the “Add” button to start modifying your ship’s configuration.
Credit: Bethesda Game studios
  • Next, go to the “Equipment” tab in the top right corner. Here you will find both the ComSpike Module and Conduction Grid available to install for free.
Credit: Bethesda Game studios
  • Select the ComSpike Module option and attach it to any free space marked in blue on your ship’s hull.
Credit: Bethesda Game studios
  • Repeat the process with the Conduction Grid, placing it in another open spot.
Credit: Bethesda Game studios
  • Once both modules are installed, you can exit the Ship Builder. Make sure to click “Accept” to save the changes to your ship.
Credit: Bethesda Game studios

This will complete the objective of installing both items. However, a common bug you might experience is the objective mission not updating. In this case, try reloading the game from your last save and going through the steps again.

Read More: Starfield: How To Get Raptor Ship

By Abu Taher Tamim Staff Writer
Abu Taher Tamim is a Staff Writer at GameRiv. He started playing video games when one of his uncles brought him a PS1, after it was launched. Since that day until now, he still play video games. As he loves video games so much, he became a gaming content writer.
By Muhibul Alam Chowdhury Guide Writer
Muhibul Alam Chowdhury is a Guide writer at GameRiv.