Riot Games is bringing major changes to MSI and World for the 2024 season. Here is everything you need to know about the changes in the upcoming season of LoL esports.
Game publisher Riot Games has announced major changes to the League of Legends esports system for the 2024 season. Mainly focusing on next year’s Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) changes with competitive changes and event updates.
Last year at MSI 2023, JD Gaming dominated the tournament, facing Bilibili Gaming in the Finals, and won with a 3-1 scoreline. They were also the favorites to win the Worlds; however, T1 defied all odds and defeated JDG in the Semifinals. T1 won the Worlds championship for the fourth time after they defeated Weibo Gaming in the Grand Finals at the Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul, Korea. Last year, both MSI and Worlds were dominated by the LPL region. Riot Games introduced the Swiss Stage at Worlds in the 2023 season, replacing the tournament’s Group Stage format.
Riot Games is bringing some major changes for MSI 2024, increasing its importance for the upcoming season. The changes will result in new ways to qualify for the Worlds and grant them additional slots for their region. Some recent seed changes have been made to all regions, which will revamp the competitive format, bringing more intense competition for the League of Legends fans.
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Changes for MSI and Worlds 2024
MSI 2024 Changes
For the 2024 season, Riot Games revealed that they are making several changes to the format of the competition to create a stronger connection between MSI and Worlds. One of the biggest changes Riot is bringing for next season is that the team that wins the Mid-Season Invitational(MSI) title will also earn a guaranteed place for the Worlds 2024 championship.

In addition to securing a spot at the Worlds, the winning team at the MSI in 2024 will earn an extra slot for their region at the Worlds championship. The second-best performing region at MSI will also earn an extra seed for their region. Because of these massive seed changes, MSI will be more important than ever for every region trying to secure a place at the Worlds.
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Worlds 2024 Changes
For the Worlds 2024, Riot Games has chosen to assign three slots to each of the four main regions: LCS(North America), LEC(EMEA), LCK(Korea), and LPL(China). Two slots each will go to PCS(Asia-Pacific) and VCS(Vietnam), and one slot each will go to LLA (Latin America) and CBLOL(Brazil). Riot Games has officially announced that League of Legends Japan League(LJL) will merge the PCS in 2024 and compete with other PCS teams to represent the larger region at international events.
As mentioned earlier, the results of MSI 2024 will have a major impact on the Worlds than previous years.

The MSI 2024 winning team will secure an automatic spot at Worlds and an additional slot for their region. However, the direct Worlds qualification will only be valid if the team qualifies for the Summer Playoffs in their respective regional leagues.
To understand correctly, JD Gaming won the MSI 2023; therefore, they are automatically qualified for Worlds. JD Gaming has also secured a total of four slots for the Worlds from the LPL region. In addition, the second-best performing team from the LCK region will also guarantee an additional Worlds seed for four slots for the region.
Riot Games has issued an official statement, “With these changes, we will introduce new ways for teams and regions to show their strength and earn additional Worlds slots through their performance at MSI.”
MSI and Worlds 2024 Locations
MSI 2024 will take place in Chengdu, China, and it will be the first time Riot Games is bringing a global League of Legends esports event to the city. Chengdu has recently hosted several major esports events in 2023, including Crossfire Stars 2023 and Naraka Bladepoint World Championship.
Riot Games has previously announced that the Worlds 2024 Grand Finals will take place at the O2 Arena in London, UK. The other stages of the tournament will be hosted in different European cities, like Berlin and Paris. The play-ins and the Swiss stage will be held at the newly revamped Riot Games Arena in Berlin, Germany. The Quarter and Semifinals will take place at the Adidas Area in Paris, France.
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