Riot to ease weekly challenges grind to improve player experience in VALORANT

Nafiu Aziz
By Nafiu Aziz
3 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

Weekly challenges in VALORANT are there to mainly provide a bulk source of XP for players who are trying to grind all the skins in their battle pass.

In a recent ask VALORANT session, even Riot Games admitted that right now they are not happy with the overall grindy nature of some challenges. Instead of making the grind enjoyable for players, it currently promotes some unhealthy play patterns.

Since the battle pass is currently too grindy for most players, they are sometimes XP farming unrated lobbies and ruining other player’s experience in the process. Riot Games plans to figure out those pain points and either get rid of them completely or tune some of them down quite a bit.

Valorant weekly challenges grind reduced
Image via Riot Games

Riot to reduce the completion requirement:

As of now, the current battle pass requires players to play at least 2 hours every single day to unlock all the available tiers before the time runs out. And the weekly challenges were there to provide some extra XP boosts for players.

The goal of weekly challenges was to provide a bulk source of XP progress and tie some playful texture to the progression experience. To be frank, we’re not happy with the current state, as some of them can be a grind. It’s also been difficult to strike the right balance between interesting missions and not promoting unhealthy play patterns (eg. playing only to harvest orbs and use your ult)“, Naoise Creavan, Senior Production Manager on weekly challenges.

Furthermore, players are sometimes speed rushing through unrated matches in order to farm XP in VALORANT. Consequently, these things have a pretty negative impact on the overall player experience.

Our short term outlook is to reduce the completion requirement for many weeklies in Act III and remove the worst offenders completely. So hopefully these changes, along with the extended length of Act III, many more of you will progress further and faster into the Battlepass. Long term, we want to revisit how to keep game-to-game progression engaging. It’s still early, but we have a design that seems promising for further exploration“, Naoise Creavan, Senior Production Manager also added.

Seems like Riot Games already plans to streamline the overly grindy nature of these weekly challenges. They further claimed that they already have a design that seems very promising for further exploration.

Nafiu Aziz is an avid gamer and a writer at GameRiv, covering Apex Legends, CS:GO, VALORANT, and plenty of other popular FPS titles in between. He scours the internet daily to get the latest scoop in esports.