Respawn’s writer explains why Loba still competes in the Apex games despite not getting what she initially wanted when she joined the game

Nafiu Aziz
By Nafiu Aziz
3 Min Read
(Image credit: Respawn)

Respawn teased players with Loba in Apex Legends as far back as season 4 where Revenant killed Loba’s parents.

One of Loba’s main goals in life was to find Revenant and take revenge for the murder of her parents. After chasing Revenant for a long time, Loba finally figured out the exact location of this killing machine. As it turned out, Revenant was competing in the Apex games.

Consequently, Loba entered the Apex games with the goal of killing Revenant at the very first chance she gets. During the broken ghost quest, Loba was trying to figure out a way to finish Revenant once and for all by collecting some sort of artifact which later turned out to be Ash’s head.

Loba Revenant Apex Legends
Image via Respawn

However, the main twist of the broken ghost quest was that Revenant actually wants to die. Furthermore, Revenant actually wants to go to Olympus together with Loba to get this over with. Even though she technically didn’t get what she was looking for, she is still taking part in the Apex games.

Tom Casiello explains why Loba still competes in the Apex games:

If the guy you spent decades plotting the murder of for killing your parents was suddenly found, but it turned out he wanted to die, and you now had the means to do it, but making him happy wasn’t in the plans, would you just hop back to your old life like this never happened?” Tom Casiello on why Loba still competes in the Apex games.

As Revenant actually wants to die, granting him his wish would actually make her stray away from her original goal. Right now Loba is super conflicted about what she is going to do next.

More content related to Loba and Revenant is coming:

Respawn’s writer further explained that Loba/Revenant’s story is still not finished. With season 6, Respawn might finally explore more into what happened after the broken ghost event took place alongside the new tension between Loba and Revenant in Olympus.

Nafiu Aziz is an avid gamer and a writer at GameRiv, covering Apex Legends, CS:GO, VALORANT, and plenty of other popular FPS titles in between. He scours the internet daily to get the latest scoop in esports.