Rainbow Six Siege’s Year 8 Season 2 Operation Dread Factor was fully revealed yesterday, and we got the first glimpse of all the new content that will be released soon.
Ubisoft continues to release new content for Rainbow Six Siege as promised, and this new season is quite balanced in terms of new content, quality-of-life changes, map reworks, and such.
Rainbow Six Siege’s Y8S2 Operation Dread Factor will be introducing the new Defender Fenrir, Consulate map rework, Permanent Arcade Playlist, New Observation-blocker secondary gadget, additions to the shooting range, and more.
We’ve discussed about the new Swedish operator Fenrir, including his gadget and loadout, which you can read here. Apart from that, find all the new changes coming with Y8S2 Operation Dread Factor below (source: r/Rainbow6).
R6S Y8S2 Reveal Panel
- Test Server launch: Monday, May 15
- Live Server launch: TBD
- Gameplay overview trailer: https://youtu.be/XG_D5VqLnUM
New Defender: Fenrir
- 2 speed Operator from Sweden
- Gadget: F-NATT Dread Mine
- Throwable device that sticks to surfaces and releases fear-inducing gas when nearby opponents are detected & gadget is activated
- Restricts vision for attackers when in gas to a few meters
- Only 3 of a total of 5 mines can be actived at once
- Countering
- Bulletproof when inactive but can be exploded
- Can be shot when active
- EMPs deactive gadget and open bulletproof shielding
- Can be zapped by Twitch Drones and Zero Cameras when active
- Primary weapons:
- MP7
- SASG-12
- Secondary weapons:
- Bailiff .410
- Secondary gadgets:
- Bulletproof Camera
- Barbed Wire
Map Rework: Consulate
- Completely built from ground up
- Reduced spawn peak opportunities, easier to approach building
- Added exterior wall to front balcony
- Reworked garage gameplay loop
Gameplay Updates, New Features & Other Changes
Permanent Arcade Playlist
- Permanent playlist for Arcade Modes
- Select which mode to play throug matchmaking preferences
- Custom Games available
- Added Observation Blocker secondary gadget
- Deployed to the ground
- Creates wall that blocks vision of attacker observation tools
- Destroyed by bullets and explosions, hacked by Brava
- Grim buff: Increased deployment speed, area of effect, and duration
Shooting Range
- Added new lane for customizable aiming programs like moving targets & more
Player Comfort
- Added free cam to Match Replay
- Improved defuser pickup, re-added (optional) automatic pickup
- Improved controller layout presets
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