PsyOps Samira, Kayle, Pyke, Viktor, and Zed Skin: Release Date, Price, and Splash Art

Ali Ahmed Akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib
2 Min Read
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Samira, Kayle, Pyke, Viktor, and Zed are getting the second set of PsyOps skins in patch 10.19.

In order to keep players engaged after a massive success from the Spirit Blossom event and skin, Riot has already announced a new sci-fi themed PsyOps skin line. And similar to the Spirit Blossom, the PsyOps is also going to have two sets of skins that are releasing in two separate patches.

The first set of skins featured Sona, Vi, Master Yi, Shen, and Ezreal where Ezreal is getting his own Prestige Edition skin. The skins however received mixed reactions from the League community.

And now, along with the upcoming League of Legends’ 151st champion Samira, the second set of PsyOps skins for Samira, Kayle, Pyke, Viktor, and Zed have now been revealed by Riot Games

Unlike the first set where champions have funky hair, the second set of skins are more android and robotic themed. Pyke, Viktor, and Zed’s looks like they are destined to assassinate their opponents. Kayle, on the other hand, has robotic wings and has effects based on her level.

PsyOps Samira

  • Release Date: Patch 10.19, September 16, 2020.
  • Price: TBA

Splash Art: Yet to be revealed

PsyOps Samira
Image Via Riot Games

PsyOps Kayle

  • Release Date: Patch 10.19, September 16, 2020.
  • Price: TBA

Splash Art:

PsyOps Kayle
Image Via Riot Games

PsyOps Pyke

  • Release Date: Patch 10.19, September 16, 2020.
  • Price: 1350 RP

Splash Art:

PsyOps pyke
Image Via Riot Games

PsyOps Viktor

  • Release Date: Patch 10.19, September 16, 2020.
  • Price: TBA

Splash Art:

PsyOps Viktor
Image Via Riot Games

PsyOps Zed

  • Release Date: Patch 10.19, September 16, 2020.
  • Price: 1350 RP

Splash Art:

PsyOps zed
Image Via Riot Games

The new skins will be revealed very soon, but in the meantime, you can get the PsyOps icon by completing secret missions in League of Legends.

ali ahmed akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib Editor-in-chief
Ali Ahmed Akib is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-chief of GameRiv. Akib grew up playing MOBA titles, especially League of Legends and is currently managing the editorial team of GameRiv.