Nacli is the latest Rock-type Pokemon who is cute but can be vicious with enemies! This guide will show you the best Nature for Nacli in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
An intriguing-looking Pokémon game just came out: Scarlet and Violet. Get a group together and go Pokemon catching. The Uva and Naranja Academy offers sportspeople the chance to improve their academic skills. You can obtain rewards by taking part in Tera Raids, Pokemon evolution that has been paused or resumed, and other activities. It is possible to breed Pokemon and employ a variety of sandwich recipes. In this game, you can gather 400 different Pokemon.
One of the new Rock-type Pokemon is Nacli. Nacli can evolve into Naclstack at Level 24 and Garganacl at Level 38. To use Nacli with its full potential in combat, you must learn about Nacli’s best Nature and everything about this particular Pokemon.
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Best Nature for Nacli
To know the Best Nature for Nacli, you may want to look at its stats;
- HP: 55
- Attack: 55
- Defense: 75
- Special Attack: 35
- Special Defense: 35
- Speed: 25
And after your Nacli evolves, the stats will grow higher and higher. Nacli is a powerful Pokemon who can efficiently deal damage to its opponents with proper skills in combats. It is the brave Pokemon you will ever find in Scarlet and Violet.
Moreover, not only can this Pokemon deal damage quickly, but also Nacli has a fantastic way of defense. Nacli has excellent speed and is a huge plus point for good defense against enemies and defeating them.
Nacli has two types of Nature;
- Relaxed
- Impish
This Nature helps Nacli improve and improve its battling skills and defensive qualities. But remember, this Nature slowly decreases Nacli’s speed. And in this Nature, Nacli likes Sour instead of Sweet flavors.
In this Nature, your Nacli’s defensive mechanism will increase, but its Special Attacking Power may decrease. This way, Nacli will not be more potent in front of heavy enemies, even if it has a good defense. In this Impish Nature of Nacli, it will like the Sour flavor more than the Dry flavor.
You have to choose which Nature you want for Nacli. Nacli is a mighty Pokemon, and if it gets the right Nature within itself, Nacli can become one of the strongest ones ever in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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