Outriders Worldslayer Technomancer PAX Tree Skills

Md Obyead
By Md Obyead
5 Min Read
Credit-Square Enix

Here is the complete list of all skills inside Technomancer PAX.

Outriders Worldslayer lets you enjoy the original Outriders with more added content to explore and enjoy. Players could already choose between a vast list of classes and their favorite kind inside the game.

However, thanks to a new system inside Outriders Worldslayer, you now have a second skill tree. Each character now has access to this double skill tree called PAX Tree. Characters come from different classes where each gives different abilities and attacks as you progress. Moreover, if you are confused about Tecnomancers PAX Skill Trees, below we have made a complete guide.

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Technomancer PAX Tree Skills

Before we get to the PAX Tree Skills for Tecnomancer, we will talk about how exactly a PAX tree is and how it works. So, first of all, a PAX Tree is like a secondary skill tree you will get access to when you play the game using any class or character. This tree is way smaller than your main character’s skill tree. However, choosing wisely on this tree can make your character very strong.

PAX Tree

The PAX Skill Tree is divided into subtrees from which you can unlock the one you want. Furthermore, you will need PAX points to unlock any skill inside this PAX Tree.

Unfortunately, there are significant flaws inside the PAX Skill Tree, as you can only acquire 5 PAX points inside the game for now. Therefore, the highest number of skills you can choose from a tree branch is 5. Moreover, you can check out the complete breakdown of Technomancer PAX Tree Skills.

Technomancer PAX Tree

You can choose from two main branches of this tree in Technomancer. One of those branches is Desolator, and the other is Overseer. Both have ten sub-skills that you can unlock to use in the game. Moreover, check out the complete list below:

Desolator Skills

Starting Path
Skill NameDetails
Initial Striker Increases your power of anomaly by about 5 seconds for approximately 10%.
Brain DeadIncreases your weapon damage by about 10% if you utilize your gadget skills
Lethal DevicesToxic damage when using Gadget skills increases your Anomaly Power by 5%.
Pain KillerWhen you damage an opponent, you will get about 2% health back for just 3 secs.
Top Path
Skill NameDetails
PermanenceInflicting enemies with Toxic has a chance to inflict them with a secondary, random status effect.
Increases damage by 5% for every status effect.
Middle Path
Skill Name Details
Necrotic TissueIncreases damage by 20% against Elite enemies with a sniper rifle
Twin ReaperYour sniper rifles have a 75% chance to deal 25% additional damage on each shot.
Bottom Path
Skill NameDetails
Break Their RanksElite enemies hit with Interrupt skills will remove their Effect Resistance.
Depleted CoreIncreases your Ordnance damage by 100% of your Status Power.

Overseer Skills

Starting Path
Skill NameDetails
The UndyingIncreases your leech abilities by 5% of your missing health.
AcceleratorIncreases your weapon damage by 100% of your weapon leech
OverrideIncreases your Anomaly Power by 100% of your skill leech.
ApothecaryHeal all nearby players every 5 seconds based on damage done in that time.
Top Path
Skill NameDetails
Purification ProtocolThe turrets will decrease the negative effects in a 25-meter radius.
LeadseekerYour Turrets pulse in a 25-meter radius, restoring 30% of your ammunition and increasing damage by 20% for you and your teammates for 5 seconds.
Middle Path
Skill NameDetails
BiosyncOverheal is transformed into a 3-second Health Regeneration effect for you and your allies.
Kinetic ConverterCritical shots heal the closest ally for 20% of their maximum health. The cooldown for this effect is 5 seconds.
Bottom Path
Skill NameDetails
Hastened InfluenceThis ability can reduce the cooldown rate of any of the chosen abilities for about half a second.
Burrowing ChargeCritical shots can give you around 250% of anomaly power due to the explosive charge of about 5 seconds.

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By Md Obyead Deputy Roblox Editor
Md Obyead is the Deputy Editor of the Roblox section at GameRiv. Obyead has a passion for writing articles, scripts, and poems. He lives with one quote in life "With hardwork, dedication and will power you can get anywhere in the world."