Metal Max Xeno Reborn: Combat Guide

Md Obyead
By Md Obyead
9 Min Read
Credit- Kadokawa Games, Ltd., Nippon Ichi Software

Here is a complete Combat guide to Metal Max Xeno Reborn.

JRPGs are always known for their combat, story, and world. Metal Max Xeno has an exciting combat style that attracts all kinds of gamers. However, before playing the game, you must get used to this combat style to enjoy the game entirely. So below, we have made a complete guide on the Combat style and how to master it in Metal Max Xeno Reborn.

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Metal Max Xeno Reborn: Complete Combat Guide

There are two types of combat you will have to be good at to ace the JRPG. The first one includes the hand-held combat, and the other includes the vehicle Combat. Metal Max Xeno Reborn has a turn-based combat style similar to all JRPGs. However, there is a catch to the combat style in Metal Xeno. Below we have broken down the combat basics and the two different kinds of combat inside the game.

Combat Style and Basics

Like Dragon Quest and other RPGs, here you will have to engage with the enemy, or you will need them to engage with you to start the battle. You will see an orange line when an enemy spots you, and then a red gauge will appear, and if it is filled up, the battle will start.

Combat Style and Basics
Credit- Kadokawa Games, Ltd., Nippon Ichi Software

Combat Tutorial

After the battle begins, the players must get accustomed to turn-based combat. The rotation of turns will take place, and you will have to strategize your moves based on the situation. Once your turn comes, you can see five kinds of options. Apart from these options during battle, you will be able to see opportunities like leaving the fight and analyzing the enemy. These options are attached below, along with what you can do using them:

  • Attack: Use your weapons to do damage
  • Item: You can consume items to gain power or give it to your teammates. Also, you can use items to cause damage or stat effects to your enemy.
  • Skills: Use your character’s abilities to damage, heal or make state-based attacks.
  • Guard: Defend against the next incoming attack.
  • Out of the Vehicle: Go out of your vehicle to switch to hand-held combat.
  • Retreat: Between turns, you will see an option that you can use to escape the battle.
  • Analyzing Enemy Stats: During the battle, you will see the details of the enemy, their strengths, and their weaknesses. It can be beneficial during battle as this gives you an edge over the enemies during battle.
  • Mans’s Best Friend: In the game, you will get a Doggy that will fight you beside you as your companion. This doggy will not only help you against enemies but will also be your best pal in helping you find items. However, to get him first, you must complete the Mankind’s Best Friend quest.

Hand-held Combat

Even though you will use your vehicle to go through most battles during the game, understanding and mastering the hand-to-hand combat style is also essential. Below you can check out the complete breakdown of how the hand-held Combat works and everything it offers.

Handheld Combat
Credit- Kadokawa Games, Ltd., Nippon Ichi Software

In Metal Max Xeno Reborn, there are different aspects of the combat, ranging from the armors you wear, the weapons you equip, and the skills you unlock. Below we have broken down each, explaining the importance of each one.


In the game, each of your party members can equip two weapons. Depending on the type of weapon, the Attack Power, Range, Hit rate, Affinity, and Fire rate may vary. Moreover, a gun might even contain some elemental damage property as well.

Armors and Accessories

Like every JRPG, Metal Max Xeno also has armors and accessories you can use to give your character a further boost. Each Armor can have stats like Attack Power, Defensive Power, Speed, Hit Rate, Evasion, Affinity, and Elemental Resistances. Depending on your strategy, you can equip armors specializing in the above-stated stats. For example, if you have Low Attack power and Evasion, you should wear an Armor with good Attack Power and Evasion stats.


Each character in your party has skills, which you can unlock by spending points inside the skill tree. Using this skill tree, you can increase your health, passive, and active skills to give your character an edge while in battle.

Vehicular Combat

Now it’s time for us to explain what vehicular combat is in this JRPG and why it is so hyped up right now. After you get your first Vehicle Mod MK10, you can use the vehicle in your battles. Each Tank has parts: Armor tiles, Ammunition, Vehicle Defense, and Shooting.

Tanks and All Types of Parts

Your Tank will help you in many ways if you get equipped correctly and to your liking. Moreover, your Tank will let you do battles without taking damage and moving to hand-held combat. Understandably, your Tank will have higher attack power and defense than you, so you must build the perfect Tank in order to crush your foes. Below we have added all kinds of tank parts that you need to understand so that you have a good idea of which one you should upgrade first:

Vehicular Combat
Credit- Kadokawa Games, Ltd., Nippon Ichi Software


It is your primary weapon on your Tank. Although it packs a punch, you will have to be careful how much of the ammo you use. Your cannons come in different sizes, and all of them have a limited amount of ammo which you will have to refill going to your Iron Base.

Machine Guns

Machine guns are like the secondary weapon for your Tank. Unlike Cannons, this weapon has unlimited ammo use this as much as your like. Also, these machines have the Anti-Air Ability.


S-E or Special Equipment are special weapons that pack more of a punch apart from your Primary and Secondary weapons. However, these special weapons weigh a lot and have limited weapons, so choosing the correct one is up to you.

Traits Chips

Just like your character has an ability, your Tank will also have power. Getting more Trait Chips will allow you to get more skills and abilities for your Tank.

SP Tiles

SP Tiles give your vehicle its health. It directly contributes to the amount of Health your Tank will have. So watch out for the damage you take before your SP runs out. Remember to recover some of this SP using your Spare Armor, and to recover damaged parts, use the Damage and Wreck Repair Kits.

Apart from the SP giving your Tank additional health, you can add Chassis to your Tank to add to its Defensive power, which can help your Tank take more damage without getting destroyed. Remember, once your Tank runs out of health, it will get to the no-propulsion state, which means it will not be drivable anymore. Keep track of your weight capacity, which will also cause the Tank to be in a No-Propulsion state.

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By Md Obyead Deputy Roblox Editor
Md Obyead is the Deputy Editor of the Roblox section at GameRiv. Obyead has a passion for writing articles, scripts, and poems. He lives with one quote in life "With hardwork, dedication and will power you can get anywhere in the world."