Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes- How To Get All Achievements And Rewards

Md Obyead
By Md Obyead
15 Min Read
Credit- Nintedno

Here is the complete list of all the Achievements and Rewards in Fire Emblem Warriors.

Achievements can contribute to a major part of the gameplay of any game. However, sometimes getting all the achievements in a game can be very tough to do without help, especially when playing a JRPG game that gives you three kinds of campaigns to explore. So below, we have made a complete guide on how to get All Achievements and Rewards in Fire Emblem Warriors.

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How To Get All Achievements And Rewards in Fire Emblem Warriors

There are different sections of the achievements inside Fire Emblem Warriors. In fact, there are four different sections of the achievements inside the game, and you will get rewards based on how many achievements you can rack up in that time. Furthermore, check out the complete list of all the achievements and rewards in Fire Emblem Warriors below:

Battle Prep Achievements

Achievement Name How to Unlock
Training Grounds Developer 1Expand the Training Grounds more than 25%
Blacksmith Developer 1Expand the Blacksmith more than 25%
Recreation Quarter Developer 1Expand the Recreation Quarter more than 25%.
Marketplace Developer 1Expand the Marketplace more than 25%.
Tactics Academy Developer 1Expand the Tactics Academy more than 25%.
Supply Depot Developer 1Expand the Supply Depot more than 25%.
Battalion Guild Developer 1Expand the Battalion Guide more than 25%.
Facility ChampionExpand all facilities to 100%
Shopaholic 1Go for shopping for the first time.
Shopaholic 2Spent a total of 5,000 G while shopping.
Tactics Academy Patron 1Grow stronger at the Tactics Academy for the first time.
Culinary Commander 1Cook for the first time.
Culinary Commander 2Cook 10 times.
Culinary Dabbler 1Learn 10 different recipes
Diligent Trainee 1Train at the training grounds for the first time.
Diligent Trainee 2Train at the training grounds 10 times.
Sightseer 1Go on an expedition for the first time.
Smooth Talker 1Get a perfect conversation score on an expedition for the first time.
Unselfish Volunteer 1Volunteer for the first time.
Unselfish Volunteer 2Volunteer 10 times.
Battalion Boss 1Hire a battalion for the first time.
Moodmaker 1Achieve morale level 1 for the first time.
Expert Moodmaker 1Achieve maximum morale for the first time.
Expert Moodmaker 2Achieve maximum morale 5 times.
Generous Soul 1Gave a gift for the first time.
Generous Soul 2Gave gifts 10 times.
C-Rank Friend 1Reach support level C or higher with 5 different unit pairs.
B-Rank Friend 1Reach support level B or higher with 5 different unit pairs.
A-Rank Friend 1Reach support level A for the first time.
A Very Special FriendReceive a special gift from one of your allies.

War Map-Achievements

Achievement Name How to Unlock
Topographer 1Search surveying spots on the War Map 10 times.
Genius Topographer 1Search a surveying spot after meeting conditions for the first time.
Quest Taker 1Complete an extra quest for the first time.
Anna’s Loyal Customer 1Visit Anna’s shop on the War Map for the first time.
Victorious Warrior 1Achieve victory in battle 10 times.
S Rank Battler 1Achieve S Rank on 10 different quests.
Moneybags 1Get a total of 100,000 G.
Side Quest Savant 1Complete 10% of all side quests.
Renowned Mercenary 1Get a total of 10 renown.

Equipment Achievements

Achievement Name How to Unlock
Weapon Repairer 1Repair a weapon for the first time.
Mercurius ArtisanObtain a repaired Mercurius.
Gradivus ArtisanObtain a repaired Gradivus.
Hauteclere ArtisanObtain a repaired Hauteclere.
Parthia ArtisanObtain a repaired Parthia.
Dragon Claws ArtisanObtain a repaired Dragon Claws
Scholar’s Tome ArtisanObtain a repaired Scholar’s Tome.
Weapon ForgerForge a weapon for the first time.
Sword Collector Get 5 types of sword weapons
Lance CollectorGet 5 types of Lance weapons
Axe CollectorGet 5 types of Axe weapons
Bow CollectorGet 5 types of Bow weapons
Gauntlets CollectorGet 5 types of Gauntlets weapons
Tome CollectorGet 5 types of Tome weapons
Accessory Hobbyist 1Get 5 different accessories.
Thunderbrand OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Thunderbrand
Lance of Ruin OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Lance of Ruin.
Sublime Creator Sword OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Sublime Creator Sword.
Luin OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Luin.
Freikugel OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Freikugel.
Thyrsus OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Thyrsus.
Aegis Shield OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Aegis Shield.
Areadbhar OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Areadbhar.
Failnaught OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Failnaught.
Crusher OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Crusher.
Rafail Gem OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Rafail Gem.
Blutgang OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Blutgang.
Fetters of Dromi OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Fetters of Dromi.
Hrotti OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Hrotti.
Ichor Scroll OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Ichor Scroll.
Suttungr’s Mystery OwnerGet the Hero’s Relic, Suttungr’s Mystery.
Guardian of the Heroes’ RelicsGet all Heroes’ Relics

Growth Achievements

Achievement Name How to Unlock
Mortal Savant MasterMax out a unit’s level in the Mortal Savant class.
Trickster MasterMax out a unit’s level in the Trickster class.
Falcon Knight MasterMax out a unit’s level in the Falcon Knight class.
Dark Knight MasterMax out a unit’s level in the Dark Knight class.
Holy Knight MasterMax out a unit’s level in the Holy Knight class.
Great Knight MasterMax out a unit’s level in the Great Knight class.
Wyvern Lord MasterMax out a unit’s level in the Wyvern Lord class.
War Master MasterMax out a unit’s level in the War Master class.
Bow Knight MasterMax out a unit’s level in the Bow Knight class.
Gremory MasterMax out a unit’s level in the Gremory class.
Ability Hunter 1Raise a class’s level and get 5 unique abilities.
Ability Hunter 2Raise a class’s level and get 10 unique abilities.
Ability Hunter 3Raised a class’s level and attained 20 unique abilities.
Level 30 Hero 1Raise 5 units to level 30 or higher.
Level 50 Hero 1Raise 5 units to level 50 or higher.
Level 70 Hero 1Raise 5 units to level 70 or higher.
Level 99 Hero 1Raise a unit to level 99 for the first time.
Level 120 Hero 1Raise a unit to level 120 for the first time

Combat Achievements

Achievement Name How to Unlock
Fierce Fighter 1Defeat 1000 Enemies
Fierce Fighter 2Defeat 10,000 Enemies
General Crusher 1Defeat 10 Enmies Generals in battle
Warrior Special Aficionado 1Defeat 100 enemies with Warrior Specials.
Warrior Special Aficionado 2Defeat 1,000 enemies with Warrior Specials
Partner Special Aficionado 1Defeat 100 enemies with Partner Specials.
Awakening Expert 1Trigger an Awakening 10 times
Arts and Magic Wielder 1Deal 10,000 damage with combat arts or magic
Arts and Magic Wielder 2Dealt 1,000,000 damage with combat arts or magic
Critical Rusher 1Defeat 100 enemies with critical rushes
Critical Rusher 2Defeat 1,000 enemies with critical rushes
Students of Arts and Magic 1Level up a combat art or magic for the first time.
Master of Arts and Magic 1Max out the level of a combat art or magic for the first time.
Armor Breaker 1Trigger an armor break on a monster for the first time.
Armor Breaker 2Trigger 10 armor breaks on monsters
Wild Demon Beast Slayer 1Defeat a Wild Demon Beast for the first time
Wild Demon Beast Slayer 2Defeat Wild Demon Beast 5 times.
Sword is Better Than Axe 1Defeat 500 axe-wielding enemies with a sword-type weapon.
Sword is Better Than Axe 2Defeat 10,000 axe-wielding enemies with a sword-type weapon.
Spear is Better Than Sword 1Defeat 500 sword-wielding enemies with a spear-type weapon.
Axe is Better Than Spear 1Defeat 500 spear-wielding enemies with an axe-type weapon.
Bow is Better Than Gauntlet 1Defeat 500 gauntlet-wielding enemies with a bow-type weapon.
Gauntlet is Better Than Tome 1Defeat 500 tome-wielding enemies with a gauntlet-type weapon.
Tome is Better Than Bow 1Defeat 500 bow-wielding enemies with a tome-like weapon.
Sword Payback 1Defeat 1,000 sword-wielding enemies with a battalion resistant to sword-type weapons.
Spear Payback 1Defeat 1,000 spear-wielding enemies with a battalion resistant to spear-type weapons
Axe Payback 1Defeat 1,000 axe-wielding enemies with a battalion resistant to axe-type weapons.
Bow Payback 1Defeat 1,000 bow-wielding enemies with a battalion resistant to bow-type weapons.
Gauntlet Payback 1Defeat 1,000 gauntlet-wielding enemies with a battalion resistant to gauntlet-type weapons.
Tome Payback 1Defeat 1,000 tome-wielding enemies with a battalion resistant to tome-type weapons.
Effective Flying Slayer 1Defeat 5 Flying enemies by utilizing their weaknesses.
Effective Armored Slayer 1Defeat 10 Armored enemies by utilizing their weaknesses.
Effective Cavalry Slayer 1Defeat 10 Cavalry enemies by utilizing their weaknesses.
Fire Caster 1Dealt 100,000 damage with the Burning status effect.
Fire Caster 2Dealt 200,000 damage with the Burning status effect.
Ice Caster 1Used Ice-type attacks to inflict the Frozen status effect on 100 enemies.
Lightning Caster 1Dealt 100,000 damage with the Shocked status effect.
Wind Caster 1Used Wind-type attacks to inflict the Windtorn status effect on 100 enemies.
Dark Caster 1Used Dark-type attacks to inflict the Spellbound status effect on 100 enemies.
Light Caster 1Absorb 1000 HP with Light-type attacks.
Light Caster 2Absorb 10,000 HP with Light-type attacks.
Flawless VictoryAchieve victory without taking any damage to your controlled unit.
Lords of the LandAchieve victory with a team of all men.
Fodlan’s Fiercest FemmesAchieve victory with a team of all women.
Sword Comes Out on TopAttain victory with only swords equipped.
Spear Comes Out on TopAttain victory with only spears equipped.
Axe Comes Out on TopAttain victory with only axes equipped.
Bow Comes Out on TopAttain victory with only bows equipped.
Gauntlet Comes Out on TopAttain victory with only gauntlets equipped.
Tome Comes Out on TopAttain victory with only tomes equipped.
Armored is All You NeedAttain victory using only Armored classes.
Flying is All You NeedAttain victory using only Flying classes.
Cavalry is All You NeedAttain victory using only Cavalry classes.
Perfect Guarder 1Trigger a Perfect Guard for the first time.
Perfect Guarder 2Trigger 10 Perfect Guards
Perfect Dodger 1Trigger a Perfect Dodge for the first time.
Perfect Dodger 2Trigger 10 Perfect Dodges.
Outright VictoryDefeat an enemy general whilet at maximum advantage against them.
Against All OddsDefeat 100 enemy generals while at a disadvantage.


Achievements CompletedReward
3Intermediate Seal x1
10Fruit of Life x1
20Intermediate Seal x1
30Rocky Burdock x1
40Smithing Stone x25
50Premium Magic Herbs x1
60Bullion x1
70Ailell Pomegranate x1
80Advanced Seal x1
90Speed Carrot x1
100Secret Transport Force x1
110Miracle Bean x1
120Advanced Seal x1
130Ambrosia x1
140Large Bullion x1
150Owl Feather x3
160White Verona x1
170Master Seal x1
180Golden Apple x1
190Owl Feather x1
200Wootz Steel x50
210Seraph Robe x1
220Essar Research Group x1
230Energy Drop x1
240Master Seal x1
250Extra Large Bullion x1
260Spirit Dust x1
270Owl Feather x3
280Secret Book x1
290Extra Large Bullion x1
300Agarthium x75
310Speedwing x1
320Platepiercer Fencers x1
330Mountslayer Sorcery Co. x1
340Wingrender Snipers x1
350Independent Mercenaries x1
360Goddess Icon x1
370Owl Feather x3
380Giant Shell x1
390Mythril x100
400Retinue of the Goddess x1
410Talisman x1
420Black Pearl x1
430Umbral Steel x150
440Einherjar x1
450Chalice of Beginnings x1

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By Md Obyead Deputy Roblox Editor
Md Obyead is the Deputy Editor of the Roblox section at GameRiv. Obyead has a passion for writing articles, scripts, and poems. He lives with one quote in life "With hardwork, dedication and will power you can get anywhere in the world."