New Resistance Yorick Skin: Splash Art, Release Date, and Price

Ali Ahmed Akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib
2 Min Read
Image Via Riot Games

Riot is expending the Battlecast skin line featuring Resistance skins for Jayce, Yorick, and Singed.

Last month, Riot Games said that they are very close to release around 120 new skins this year and was planning to deliver around 140 skins by the end of this year. Ahead of the preseason, Riot already announced skins for their sensational K-pop group K/DA. And promised to release skins for champions who haven’t received a skin in a long time in League of Legends.

And now, Riot has announced new Resistance skin for Jayce Jayce, Yorick, and Singed for the upcoming preseason. Furthermore, along with the Resistance skins, Riot has also unveiled the Battlecast skin line for Zac and Nasus as well.

Resistance Yorick Skin

  • Release Date: Patch 10.23, Thursday, Nov 12, 2020.
  • Price: TBA

Splash Art and Wallpaper

Resistance Yorick Skin
Image via Riot Games

Battlecast is a series of alternate universe that has two separate skin lines General Battlecast and Resistance. Previously there were only two champions in the Resistance class that is lead by Resistance Illaoi. And now Yorick will be joining forces with Illaoi and others to take down Viktor’s dominance.

Resistance Yorick also has that red hue like other Battlecast skins. But based on splash art, he looks like a Persian undead rebellion powered by robotic energy.

With the Resistance skin, Yorick now has a total of 5 skins in League of Legends and his new skin in more than a year.

Resistance Yorick along with other skins is going live on patch 10.23 and will hit PBE soon for testing.

ali ahmed akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib Editor-in-chief
Ali Ahmed Akib is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-chief of GameRiv. Akib grew up playing MOBA titles, especially League of Legends and is currently managing the editorial team of GameRiv.